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Welcome to FlightAdventures.COM! Adventures            Downloads             Links Virtual Pilots proficient with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000® or better now have the opportunity to solo a real airplane in just a single 3-day weekend with our FlightAdventures Weekend-to-Solo AdventureÔ—the safest and most thorough program of its kind. Our advanced teaching techniques coupled with our proprietary state-of-the-art course provide a level of instruction that is unmatched in the aviation industry. In addition to learning quickly, you’ll learn more. This unique program was created and developed with the guidance of best-selling flight simulation author, and Certified Flight Instructor, Ben Chiu, who has literally educated hundreds of thousands of people around the world basic and advanced piloting skills. Utilizing the most experienced instructors, the latest equipment, and clean, painstakingly-maintained aircraft such as the Cessna 172 Skyhawk SP, FlightAdventures offers the safest, pleasurable flight experiences around to help you achieve your dream—piloting a real aircraft! Back to the top of the pageBack |