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tb's Aviation Trivia

      The following questions have appeared during VPC's weekly Flight Sim Chat. See how you'd have done.

        Q: What is the fastest around-the-world flight time in a jet?


        • Eastbound - Concorde 1995 averaged 811.46mph
        • Westbound - Concorde 1992 averaged 764.98mph
        • Nonstop - USAF B-1 1995 averaged 631.16mph (36 hours, 13 minutes, 36 seconds)
        • Polar routes - Boeing 747SP 1977 averaged 487.31mph
        • Non-refueled - Voyager (Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager) 1986 averaged 115.65mph

        Q: What was the name of the aircraft carrier that launched Doolittle's Tokyo Raiders during World War II?


          U.S.S. Hornet, April 1942

        Q: What is the fastest aircraft (at least that us regular folks would know of)?


          North American X-15 is the fastest aircraft ever built at a maximum speed of Mach 6.72 (4,534 MPH).

          It was accidentally one of the first manned space craft, it eventually reached an altitude of 354,200 feet (67.08 miles). (Space begins at an altitude of between 90,000 feet and 120,000 feet.)

          The SR-71 (A-12 and YF-12) all went over mach 3.2 and are currently the fastest planes to be able to take off under their own power (the X-15 had to be carried to altitude by a B-52).

          The fastest speed attained by a craft with humans in it is 24,790 miles per hour (around Mach 37). This was the re-entry speed reached by the Apollo 10 craft.

          The fastest speed recorded for a craft with no humans in it was 150,000 miles per hour (around Mach 227), reached by the Helios satellite that is in orbit around the Sun.

        Q: What's the world's largest airplane?


          The largest plane in the world is the Russian An-225 Cossack. The only model made of it was called the Myriad, or 'dream' in english. It has a length of 275 feet, 7 inches; a wing span of 290 feet, and maximum takeoff weight of 1,322,770 pounds!!

          Just to expand on this theme, here are a few more 'largest planes' -- in different categories. The An-225 is the largest plane in the world to takeoff under its own power, but. . .

        • The An-124 Condor is the second largest plane to be produced in the world (like the An-225, it was made by Antonov), with a length of 226 feet, 8.5 inches; a wingspan of 240 feet, 5.75 inches; a height of 68 feet, 2 inches, and a maximum takeoff weight of 892,782 pounds.

        • The C-5 Galaxy is the third largest plane in the world to be produced (made by Lockheed - USA). It has a length of 247 feet 10 inches, a wingspan of 222 feet 8.5 inches, a height of 65 feet 1.5 inches, and a maximum takeoff weight of 837,000 pounds.

        • The Be-42 Albatross (made by Beriev - Russia) holds the record for the largest amphibious aircraft in the world, with a wingspan of 136 feet, 7 inches; a length of 143 feet, 10 inches; a height of 36 feet, 4 inches, and a maximum takeoff weight of 189,595 pounds.

        • The largest pusher plane (where the propeller is pushing aircraft, as compared to a tractor plane where the propeller is in front pulling the aircraft) is the B-36 Peacemaker, made by Convair - USA. It has a length of 162 feet, 1 inch; a wingspan of 230 feet; a height of 46 feet, 8 inches, and a maximum takeoff weight of 357,500 lbs.

        • The HK-1 Spruce Goose (more commonly known as the H-4) is the plane with the largest wingspan in the world. The wingspan of the Spruce goose was 320 feet long, with a height of 80 feet, a length of 218 feet, 6 inches, and a maximum takeoff weight of 300,000 pounds.

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