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Something Wonderful

    Reach for the Sky!
by Dave Dawson

    Flying is a destination itself.OK, so what is the big deal about flying? Listen to the pundits and they will tell you it's just another way to travel - a faster way to get around, but with potentially more risk. Someone will tell you it is more convenient while somebody else will tell you it is more of a hassle (particularly now). Depending on the destination, it can either be described as a cheaper mode of transportation or more costly.

      "The wonder of flight can be experienced either actively or passively. It's alive in each of us, as evidenced by the fact that at one time or another, we all fly in our dreams."

Sure, you can get an interesting view out the window, but the same could be said of a car or train out in the country or a boat on a lake or ocean. Is it more fun, exciting and exhilarating? Try telling that to the owner of a high-powered motorcycle, sports car or off-road RV. So what is the big deal about flying?

To paraphrase the memorable line from the movie 2010: flying is "something wonderful."

The wonder of flight can be experienced either actively or passively. It's alive in each of us, as evidenced by the fact that at one time or another, we all fly in our dreams. And age is not a barrier, although children appear much more honest in their reactions as the aircraft leaves terra firma or when looking down on the scenery below.

    "No matter how you compare it, there is no substitute to flying. It is truly a unique experience..."

The wonder of flight is a strong social aphrodisiac (no Mile-High Club jokes, please). Hollywood and Madison Avenue know this well and exploit flying every chance they get. It is almost impossible to watch television or see a movie for more than a few minutes and not be shown a view that was provided by an aircraft in flight.

Products are pitched with flight metaphors all the time. For instance, both Daimler-Chrysler and Nissan are currently using flying, one portraying their cars with performance sensations like jet fighters and the other trying to convince you that their SUV climbs so high it needs an altimeter. Even the non-pilot responds to and inherently understands the wonder of flight.

Photograph courtesy Tom GerczynskiNo matter how you compare it, there is no substitute to flying. It is truly a unique experience, completely different from all other methods of moving yourself from one place to another. Which is why you, dear reader, are here. You already have that sense of wonder in your being. You think about flying, practice its skills, revel in its uniqueness, and yes, enjoy it in your dreams.

You have come to the right place, too, if you are seeking to immerse yourself into flying.

Unlike any other website I can think of, FlightAdventures covers both simulation and real world flight experiences. That's because the advancement of simulation software is now making it possible for pilots to spend useful time honing their flight skills on their personal computer.

Think of the flying you can do on your computer: Cross the Atlantic at the controls of the Concorde. Twist and turn your way through an aerobatic routine. Tackle an IFR approach to minimums. These and virtually an unlimited number of other scenarios are realistically available to you.

    "While 'learn it - practice it - do it' might be the 1-2-3 mantra of FlightAdventures, we also understand that flying is a lot more than practicing procedures."

While "learn it - practice it - do it" might be the 1-2-3 mantra of FlightAdventures, we also understand that flying is a lot more than practicing procedures. In all possible ways, we want to help every pilot break free and soar as often as their spirit calls for.

And this spirit is fed by the wonder of flight, in all its many forms. The wonder all pilots experience when they apply full power and leave the ground. The wonder experienced through connection to a machine that feels alive as it responds immediately to your inputs, almost as if controlled by your thoughts. Wonder as true freedom, known to each pilot as they pick their own path through the sky. Wonder as being one with a craft in the biggest ocean on Earth, a wonderful blue ocean of air, clouds and birds.

So let's go pick out our aircraft, crank up the motor, taxi to the active runway and break free of all the mundane activities that surround us on a daily basis. Flying is a destination itself. It is unique. It reaches down and lifts us up to achieve and experience great things.

Even in our dreams.

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