tb's Aviation Trivia   |
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What is the fastest around-the-world flight time in a jet?
It was accidentally one of the first manned space craft, it eventually reached an altitude of 354,200 feet (67.08 miles). (Space begins at an altitude of between 90,000 feet and 120,000 feet.)
The SR-71 (A-12 and YF-12) all went over mach 3.2 and are currently the fastest planes to be able to take off under their own power (the X-15 had to be carried to altitude by a B-52).
The fastest speed attained by a craft with humans in it is 24,790 miles per hour (around Mach 37). This was the re-entry speed reached by the Apollo 10 craft.
The fastest speed recorded for a craft with no humans in it was 150,000 miles per hour (around Mach 227), reached by the Helios satellite that is in orbit around the Sun.
Just to expand on this theme, here are a few more 'largest planes' -- in different categories. The An-225 is the largest plane in the world to takeoff under its own power, but. . .