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Patty Wagstaff VPC Chat Transcript 01-02
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    Patty Wagstaff

    Patty Wagstaff VPC Chat - Tuesday, January 15, 2002


    Host BenChiu says:
    Greetings Pilots!!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Welcome to the FlightAdventures VPC Pilot Lounge Chat special event sponsored by Microsoft Flight Simulator, and Sybex Publishing!

    Host BenChiu says:
    For anyone joining us for the first time tonight we'd like to offer each and every one of you a very special welcome to the VPC.

    Host BenChiu says:
    We regularly meet here in the Pilot Lounge every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-8pm PT/10-11pm ET (0300z), and Saturdays at 4-5PM PT/7-8PM ET (2359z) to chat about flight simulations and real world aviation topics.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Whether you're a real pilot or a new virtual aviator, all are welcome!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Tonight our guest of honor is three-time National Aerobatics Champion, Patty Wagstaff!!!!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Well, Patty really doesn't need any introduction, but in addition to being the first woman to ever win the title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion, a six-time member of the U.S. Aerobatic Team, the 1993 IAC Champion, a six-time recipient of the "First Lady of Aerobatics" Betty Skelton Award, and winner of numerous medals in Olympic-level international aerobatic competition.

    Host BenChiu says:
    If you're a Flight Simulator veteran, you know that Patty's been involved Flight Simulator for a while. (Yes, that Extra 300S you've been abusing is Patty's airplane!!)

    Host BenChiu says:
    During tonight's chat, we'll be giving away prizes that include autographed T-shirts, an autographed copy of Patty's autobiography "Fire and Air, a Life on the Edge", autographed copies of "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002", "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Official Strategies & Secrets," from Sybex publishing -- autographed by the author, David Chong -- who is in attendance here tonight. Hi David!

    Host BenChiu says:
    and autographed copies of the "The Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual", from Aviation Supplies & Academics!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Whew! With that out of the way... Welcome to the VPC, Patty!! Thank you for joining us tonight!

    Host thayward says:
    Glad to have you here patty!

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks Ben, good to be here.

    Host PWAS says:
    Greetings from Florida! I'm happy to answer questions.

    Host BenChiu says:
    We're going to keep this pretty informal. If you've got any questions, just go ahead and ask.

    AndyC says:
    G,day from Australia Ms Wagstaff

    Host PWAS says:
    Or tell someone how not to crash my airplane, haha

    Host PWAS says:
    Where in OZ? I used to live there

    Foobags says:
    When does your Airshow Circuit start this year?

    Host SLODave says:
    Can you tell us a little about your aircraft?

    rfnagel says:
    Howdee from Miami, Ms Wagstaff -:)

    AndyC says:
    300 N of Sydney

    VGB says:
    Question - how long did it take you to memorize your routines when you started?

    Host PWAS says:
    Ok, airshow circuit starts in March with Tyndall AFB (Fla). Greetings to Miami. 300M n of Sydney must be Queensland.

    Host PWAS says:
    VGB, I still keep a 'cheat sheet' in my cockpit when I fly.

    Host PWAS says:
    I memorize them, but you never know so you always keep that diagram

    tb says:

    Host thayward says:
    Patty, Where you just crazy, and decided to do shows, or did you fly, and then decide to learn tricks?

    Host PWAS says:
    Plus when you're doing hardcore aerobatics, the blood is rushing in and out of your head and you might not be thinking clearly....ah hem......

    Host PWAS says:
    No, I'm not crazy. I just like speed and challenges and flying.

    VGB says:

    Host PWAS says:
    They're not tricks! They're precision aerobatic maneuvers that take a lot of practice

    Host PWAS says:
    I took lessons first, then aerobatic lessons.

    Foobags says:
    Outside of the Physiological side of flying, how accurate is the FS Extra 300 to reality? (performance wise)

    AndyC says:
    Neg Patty (may I make it Patty.. with my typing any word saving helps :)

    VGB says:
    What made you decide on the Extra?

    Host BenChiu says:
    Where did you learn to fly? And, what airplane did you take your first lesson in?

    Host PWAS says:
    I think that Microsoft did a good job in making the Extra 300S fly pretty close to the real thing. I did assist them in making the flight model accurate. I'm not sure if they've gotten away from that in the new FS or not...I need to fly it more.

    Host PWAS says:
    I learned to fly in Alaska. I decided on an Extra becuase I think it's the best for both aerobatic competition and airshow flying, a great "compromise" if you could call it that.

    Host PWAS says:
    I took my first lesson in a Cessna l85 on floats in Alaska.

    Propwash says:
    And just WHO is that blond flying your Extra in FS?

    Host BenChiu says:
    That's Patty!

    Host PWAS says:
    HAHA. Yes, I'm not a blonde because blondes do have more fun...haven't you heard? Plus my hair is REAL SHORT now. It looks good (or so they say).

    Foobags says:
    I'll second that

    Host BenChiu says:
    Have a look at her websites, and

    Host PWAS says:

    AndyC says:
    Have you flown with a team, ie the Roullettes or Blue Angels etc. Patty ?

    Propwash says:
    Maybe if you flew at Cleveland more often we would know these things...

    ozarkjim says:
    hi patty..have you ever flown any home builts?

    Host BenChiu says:
    No arguments from us, Patty! :)

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks Propwash. I've flown lots of shows with the Blue Angels and have even flown with them.

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, I've flown a few homebuilts.

    tb says:
    Patty, do u think u could help Ben... or is that to much of a challange ??

    Host PWAS says:
    Does Ben need help?

    Host BenChiu says:

    Host craiggresham says:

    ozarkjim says:
    my father in law designed the GN-1 aircamper

    Host PWAS says:
    That's impressive

    Host BenChiu says:
    OK, first prize coming up!

    Host Jay_FA says:
    An autographed copy of Sybex's "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: Official Strategies and Secrets" by David Chong, goes to:

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum roll)

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host Greenie says:
    oh oh oh pick me pick me!!!

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host Greenie says:

    AndyC says:
    He'll be impossible now :)

    Host BenChiu says:
    More prizes to come!

    Foobags says:
    I know that you are instrument rated, do you get much actual?

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, I'm instrument rated and I get some actual.

    Host PWAS says:
    I try to stay current

    ozarkjim says:
    as a biased former sailor in aviation....Navy Pilots are the best in the world

    BDEchols says:
    Greetings from West Palm Beach Florida Patty. Do you fly any other aircraft than the Extra in any of your shows?

    Host PWAS says:
    Well, my boyfriend seems to think so.

    Host PWAS says:
    He's a former F-l4 pilot and now flies shows in an F-86 and Mig...jets are for kids though. That's what I tell him.

    Host PWAS says:
    He's here and can say hi if you like.

    Host PWAS says:
    Hi BDE, yes I fly lots of aircraft!

    Host PWAS says:
    What are you offering?

    Host thayward says:
    Hi Patty's boyfriend :)

    AndyC says:
    Sob.... you have a boyfriend Patty :(

    Host PWAS says:
    Dale says HI

    VGB says:
    Hi Dale

    Foobags says:
    Hi Dale!

    Host Greenie says:

    ozarkjim says:
    lol.....i agree....was at a super connie museum in KC MO....they sell t shirts that say that

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks, AndyC. He could be replaced I suppose...oops, he's here now

    BDEchols says:
    Welcome to your boyfriend.

    Host PWAS says:
    Dale says "Oh nice."

    Host PWAS says:

    Host SLODave says:
    So which of you does the better routine? <g?

    AndyC says:
    SEnd him out to the colonies :)

    Host Greenie says:
    Welcome Dale!

    Host PWAS says:
    Dale says he has tenure!

    Host Gunner says:
    Please ask Dale if the Turkey is really the hardest a/c in the fleet to get on the boat or is that something they teach 'em in the squadron? <g>

    Host PWAS says:
    They are both very different.

    Host PWAS says:
    Host Gunner - Dale says...

    Foobags says:
    Who is YOUR favorite aerobatic performer?

    Host PWAS says:
    ...The F-14 with its conventional flight controls is more difficult than the F-l8 (with their digital flight controls)

    Host PWAS says:
    Foobags - Jimmy Franklin

    Host PWAS says:
    No question!

    Propwash says:
    Patty, have you ever made Dale airsick ?

    Host PWAS says:
    Dale says no. I won't tell.

    Host BenChiu says:

    Host PWAS says:
    No, I haven't ...haha

    Host Gunner says:
    Hey, Navy Guys *never* get airsick!

    BDEchols says:

    tb says:
    Patty, before a show did u like to go to Micky D's or Krispy Creame ??

    Host thayward says:

    Host PWAS says:
    He didn't make me airsick or get me to pass out when he took me for a flight in the F-l8!

    VGB says:
    Did he eat you cookies at Christmas?

    Host PWAS says:
    OOPS, I mean F-14.

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, we eat cookies at Christmas - who is this?

    Host Gunner says:
    Only when off-shore fishing off a Fernandina Beach!

    Host PWAS says:
    I'll eat anything before I fly, the more sugary the better

    Host PWAS says:

    Randy_H says:
    Who's a better pilot, you or Dale?

    tb says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Honestly though, I do have to eat before an airshow routine.

    ozarkjim says:
    talked to a retired navy pilot...flew f9fs in korea...said he got a ride on an f18...couldn't believe pulling gs when vertical

    Host PWAS says:
    I am, Randy.

    Host Gunner says:
    Wonder what Dale would type?

    Host PWAS says:
    I've flown the F-18 twice.

    Host PWAS says:
    Exactly, Host Gunner. He would say 'no!'

    ozarkjim says:
    bet that was a kick

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, ozark, IT WAS.

    Host BenChiu says:
    OK, prize #2 coming up!

    Host Jay_FA says:
    A copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 goes to:

    John_M says:
    most planes can pull 'g's in vertical. Few can do it while going up <g>

    tb says:
    READY !!

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum roll)

    Host Jay_FA says:

    VGB says:
    Hey Jim!

    ozarkjim says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    Congrats ozark!

    BDEchols says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Congrats OZARK

    Host PWAS says:
    Can I ask a question?

    AndyC says:
    That,s it--- I quit :)

    Host BenChiu says:
    More prizes coming, Andy!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Sure, Patty!

    AndyC says:
    Refund Ben

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:
    Go ahead Patty!

    Host BenChiu says:
    We might not be able to answer it, but... :)

    Host PWAS says:
    Okay. Who here has ever crashed my Extra in Flight Sim?

    Host Gunner says:
    <The big guy from Jacksonville is jumping up and down and frantically waving>

    AndyC says:

    VGB says:
    I do it all the time

    BDEchols says:

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:

    Host thayward says:
    I am sure I have, I usually do :)

    Propwash says:
    Who has NOT ?

    Host BenChiu says:
    Not me.... um....

    Host PWAS says:
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Not today at least. :)

    Host PWAS says:
    even you Ben!

    tb says:
    Patty, whats ur favorite plane ??

    Host Gunner says:
    <hanging head in shame>

    Host PWAS says:
    You know what I like to do?

    Host thayward says:
    I always touch up the paint though

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:
    I understand that they're pretty expensive too...

    John_M says:
    Do grass stains count?

    Propwash says:
    We're missing those G forces to fly properly

    Host BenChiu says:
    I try to fly it inverted under things like the gates of the Forbidden Palace in China.

    Host PWAS says:
    Ben, that's exactly what I like to do too.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Not too successful at it much of the time. :)

    Host PWAS says:
    You know what else?

    foobags says:

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:
    Knife edge *along* the golden gate bridge?

    Host PWAS says:
    I like to sneak up on people at the Microsoft Booth at Oshkosh or Sun & Fun and watch someone crash my airplane and then scold them. They are usually shocked to see me standing there!

    Host PWAS says:
    It's fun

    BDEchols says:

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:

    Randy_H says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    LOL, ROFL!

    VGB says:
    you devil you

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host SLODave says:

    Host thayward says:

    Host PWAS says:
    I know.

    rfnagel says:

    foobags says:
    we'll be watching

    Propwash says:
    That was YOU ?

    Host PWAS says:
    A good fantasy come true.

    Host SLODave says:
    that's just a little twisted.

    Host PWAS says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Dave, thank you... you are correct

    foobags says:
    Do you have a direct hand in your website?

    ozarkjim says:
    patty...ever see the p51 they built from scratch...first showed it off at 66 EAA in rockford...proves jets are for kids

    Host PWAS says:
    Foosbags, yes, I do.

    AndyC says:
    By the By Patty my son reckons he saw you (and 300s) on a TV show out here (Discovery Channel) True?

    BDEchols says:
    Well you should feel right at home here Patty. We are a little twisted too! <grin>

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes Andy. I'm on there a bit, and was on there the other night.

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks BDE

    Host PWAS says:
    I do.

    Host PWAS says:
    It's healthy to be a little twisted, I think. Why be normal?

    ozarkjim says:

    tb says:

    VGB says:
    They always have the front shot of you with your hair bouncing all over <g>

    Host PWAS says:
    Life should be fun, but excuse me for getting philosophical. I'll keep the topic on flying from now on.

    AndyC says:
    Ever flown in the Launceston Air Races Patty

    Host PWAS says:
    I know VGB, but now I have no more hair.

    Host PWAS says:
    No Andy - that's in where, Tasmania?

    VGB says:
    me neither<g>

    Host BenChiu says:
    Flying straight and level is what the rest of us do. We need people to do the twisty things too. :)

    ozarkjim says:
    but with all the aerobics you do....don't people call you a dizzy blond

    John_M says:
    <--- used to watch Patty practice from my back porch, over Campbell Airstrip here in Anchorage/

    Host PWAS says:

    AndyC says:
    Yep... annual event

    Host PWAS says:
    Hi John M, yep you did.

    Host PWAS says:
    Andy, I haven't been to Taz, but I'd like to.

    Host PWAS says:
    I get homesick for Australia sometimes.

    John_M says:
    Ended up buying a Citabria 7GCBC <s>

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:
    Lucky dog John!

    Host BenChiu says:
    OK, Prize #3 coming up!

    Host PWAS says:
    John_ are you in AK now?

    tb says:
    Patty/Dale, would u like to fly the F117 or to much fly by wire ?

    Host Jay_FA says:
    An autographed Patty Wagstaff T-shirt goes to:

    John_M says:
    Yes, same house.

    Host PWAS says:
    I'd like to fly it

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum roll)

    Host PWAS says:
    How's the weather John?

    Host Jay_FA says:

    AndyC says:
    Homesick... ARE you an AUSSIE.!!!

    BDEchols says:
    Congrats tb

    Host BenChiu says:
    Congrats tb!!

    Essate says:
    Hey tb!

    John_M says:
    It's at PMAR, 26" tires, 80x40 prop. Weather, 40 Deg, water on top of ice, etc.

    John_M says:
    Erk, PAMR

    Host PWAS says:
    I get homesick for Australia and I get homesick for Alaska (and Arizona somtimes too).

    Host PWAS says:
    Wow, that's warm John_

    John_M says:
    rgr. Glad it's not on skis at lake Hood <s>

    Host PWAS says:
    I really miss winter in Alaska though, (talk about being twisted, but I do).

    ozarkjim says:
    i like the change in season

    Host PWAS says:
    It's cold tonight in Florida - in the 30's.

    Host PWAS says:
    I like to fly

    Host thayward says:
    7 degrees here :)

    Host PWAS says:
    I've been flying my T-6 and SuperCub lately

    Host thayward says:

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:
    Low 30's here in the SF Bay Area as well!

    AndyC says:
    Was just wanting to get one up over these guys Patty... they give me a rough time mostly :)

    Host PWAS says:
    Working on an airshow routine in the T-6 for Sun & FUn.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Where is everyone calling from tonight?

    rfnagel says:
    Patty> What part? It's TOO warm here in Miami.

    Host PWAS says:
    St. Augustine

    John_M says:
    make a video, ya will sell a bunch

    VGB says:

    Essate says:
    Los Angeles area here.

    foobags says:
    Orlando, FL

    Host thayward says:
    Lafayette, Colorado

    BDEchols says:
    West Palm Beach FL

    Propwash says:
    Lexington, Ohio

    ozarkjim says:
    springfield, MO...queen city of the ozarks

    rfnagel says:
    Miami, FL

    Host PWAS says:
    I sell a demo reel/promotional video on - check it out!

    Host Greenie says:
    San Jose, California

    Host PWAS says:
    I've been to all those places!

    John_M says:
    rgr, will check out the video

    ozarkjim says:
    grew up in cleveland...saw lots of the air races

    Host PWAS says:
    Seriously, John - check out our new web site!

    Host Gunner says:
    Sun 'n Fun... then you know my old friend Pat Phillips.

    RobertVA says:
    Virgina Beach, VA here

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, Gunner. I know Pat real well. He's a great guy.

    BDEchols says:
    Yep Patty, must be tough being a migrant worker! <smile>

    ozarkjim says:
    when here Patty?

    Host Greenie says:
    Sheez Gunner, is there *anyone* that you don't know?? <g>

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, BDE, it is sometimes. Ozark, been through there lots of time.

    Host PWAS says:
    Plus, Pat flies a good Stearman routine.

    ozarkjim says:
    but no show that i have seen

    John_M says:
    Wow!! Nice picture Patty!!!

    Host PWAS says:
    No show, just flying cross country.

    Host PWAS says:
    Which one John?

    Host Gunner says:
    Hehe, Pat's family owned the airport near Orlando where I kept my airplanes 25 years ago. He's also my attorney.

    foobags says:
    Any particular special event your looking forward to this year?

    John_M says:
    The one of you with left hand on head

    Host PWAS says:
    Well, I have a pretty good schedule lined up. I'm also real excited about my trip to Africa coming up....

    ozarkjim says:
    even the poborsky's have flown here

    Propwash says:
    Any idea when you will fly at Cleveland Air Show again ?

    Host SLODave says:

    Host PWAS says:
    We leave at the end of the month for Kenya to work with the Kenya Wildlife Service pilots, giving them recurrency training

    John_M says:
    dang, picture will not download as a *.jpg <g>

    foobags says:
    Didn't you go to Africa recently? (flying mag)

    ozarkjim says:

    BDEchols says:

    Host PWAS says:
    John_ - you can download pics from

    Host Greenie says:
    Patty> Are you going to make it to Moffett Field this year? They just started airshows again about 2 years ago and attendance is very good.

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, Foos - Dale and I went last February and we're going back. We're very excited about it.

    Host SLODave says:
    I had heard some report about people taking shots at low flying AC in Africa.

    Host PWAS says:
    Greenie - I don't think I'm coming to Moffett this year.

    Host Greenie says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    Hope some monkey doesn't steal your bag this time! :)

    Host PWAS says:
    SLODave, yes, the KWS pilots do get shot at by the nasty elephant poachers. We won't be going on poaching raids though

    Host PWAS says:
    Haha, Ben! Me too.

    Host SLODave says:
    Hey, the monkey is the copilot! <g>

    Host BenChiu says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Id' love to come back to Moffett - Greenie. In fact, what I really want to do is fly through one of those giant blimp hangars

    ozarkjim says:
    jets are for monkies

    WScofield says:
    Hi all!

    Host Greenie says:
    Patty> Any northern CA shows planned?

    Host PWAS says:
    Jets are for monkies! I wanna be a monkey too!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Time for another prize!

    RobertVA says:
    I saw amusing picture once, crew couldn't return to aircraft because pride of lions selected it as their shady spot!

    Host PWAS says:
    Miramar, San Diego.

    Host Jay_FA says:
    A Patty Wagstaff-autographed copy of the ASA 2002 FAR/AIM (that's the Aviation Supplies & Academics Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual) goes to:

    Host PWAS says:
    I've seen that Robert - not uncommon over there.

    John_M says:
    Patty, did you know Sourdough Mike from the Fly by Night Company (Mr. White Keys)?

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum roll)

    tb says:
    Patty, I live in Charlotte, NC anything planned in my area ??

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum solo)

    foobags says:

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host Greenie says:
    HEHE, That would be awesome! The *real* trick would be to fly into hangar one (the big one) turn around and fly out! <vbg>

    foobags says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, John_ have seen him years ago

    Host BenChiu says:
    Alright! Congrats, foobags!

    Host PWAS says:
    Greenie.... you need a helicopter for that.

    foobags says:

    VGB says:
    way to go foo

    Host PWAS says:

    Host Greenie says:

    John_M says:
    He passed away Sunday. A reall loss.

    Host PWAS says:
    Oh really? That's too bad

    rfnagel says:
    Man! I'm gonna change my name to "Drum Roll" <LOL>!

    John_M says:
    rgr. A very talented person.

    BDEchols says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Come on, give me some serious challenging questions

    John_M says:
    Ok, do you know Bill Dunbar?

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, do you?

    BDEchols says:
    How do we acheive world peace?

    Host PWAS says:
    He was my student.

    ozarkjim says:
    might be too you seek negative Gs to keep the harmful effects of gravity at bay...and does it work?

    Host Jay_FA says:

    rfnagel ---> hehehe

    Host PWAS says:
    World Peace? Be nice to each other and travel a lot.

    Randy_H says:
    How many hours do you have doing acrobatics?

    John_M says:
    Me? no, no, no. I have know knowledge of that 6'-2" red head that has a double dose of personality <s>

    Propwash says:
    Patty, ever had a crank or prop hub failure ?

    BDEchols says:
    Good answer Patty. <smile>

    AndyC says:
    Do you think we could form an aerobatic team in FS Patty... now that,s a challenging question :)

    Host PWAS says:
    Ozark. No, we don't do negative G's to keep the harmfull effects of gravity at bay.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Hmm, aerobatics. Acrobatics is what I do to get into a 152!

    Host BenChiu says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Is that you John Dunbar?

    ozarkjim says:
    bummer...was going to get my wif flying lessons

    Host PWAS says:
    Prop - NO to your answer. I've never had a crankshaft failure.

    Randy_H says:
    Oops, your right Ben!

    Host Greenie says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Ozark, you're a funny guy.

    tb says:
    Again, Patty, I live in Charlotte, NC, anything planned in my area ??

    Host BenChiu says:
    ozark, LOL

    John_M says:
    No, John Mooney here. Dunbar and I fly together when going to tricky spots. Had to bring him a prop, fuel, mechanic, etc. He is rough on planes <s>

    Host PWAS says:
    TB, not this year. But be sure to check my schedule at my web site. I'm still adding shows.

    tb says:
    RGR !!

    VGB says:
    What's the most difficult maneuver you do and why is it so difficult?

    Host PWAS says:
    John, rough on airplanes? Where did he get that from and what's he doing anyway?

    Propwash says:
    Patty, how many forced landings HAVE you had ? And for what reason ?

    Host PWAS says:
    Be sure to say hi.

    rfnagel says:
    Patty> Have you ever had any close-calls while flying? Anything that really got yer blood pumping?

    John_M says:
    Patty> Bill turned his Cub, 5656yankee, into an RG one day. Blamed flat light. LOL

    BDEchols says:
    Do you still fly in aerobatic contests, or do mostly air shows now?

    foobags says:
    Saw your review of the Extra 400 in "Flying". A unique looking plane. Nice plane?

    Host PWAS says:
    OK - VGB...the most difficult maneuver I do is the rolling 360 degree snap rolling circle. It's difficult because you have to snap roll all the way around a circle while keeping altitude constant, and keeping Your orientation.

    Host PWAS says:
    It's difficult.

    VGB says:
    It's difficult to READ about it<G>

    Host PWAS says:
    I've only had forced landings over airports while practicing - never have had to land in a field or on a road, prop.

    Host SLODave says:
    I'm ready to hurl just thinking about it.

    John_M says:
    rgr, will say Hi to Bill

    Host BenChiu says:
    Difficult just thinking about that!

    Host Gunner says:
    Maybe "difficult" goes down as the understatement of the night?

    ozarkjim says: many times did you flunk your drivers license test ?

    BDEchols says:

    Host SLODave says:
    Patty I saw you perform that manuver at Salinas and it was very impressive.

    Host PWAS says:
    John, Re: John Dunbar, you know, you really can't judge anyone's mistakes because they could easily happen to you. I had a scary incident in Alaksa once with bad light going into Eagle River. I was on final approach and never saw an airplane just take off, right into me becuase of the glare, so it can happen.

    Host PWAS says:
    BDE, only airshows now, but I sure love aerobatic competition flying.

    Propwash says:
    Patty, no real forced many hours do you have logged now ?

    rfnagel says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    Do you have your 2002 schedule lined up yet?

    foobags says:
    I've had the HONOR of flying with you at St. Augustine. (Red Head about 2 years ago). I'm just now regaining my bearings!

    Host PWAS says:
    Foos, the Extra 400 is a wonderful airplane, but has not "taken off" yet - it looks a little different and most people that spend that kind of money want a turbine engine. I flew it and rolled and looped it. How many cabin cruisers can do that?

    Host PWAS says:
    Do that legally and with safety anyway...

    Host PWAS says:
    You did Foos?

    John_M says:
    Patty> rgr, blank happens

    Host PWAS says:
    Who was that?

    foobags says:
    My wife, kim, set it up.

    Host PWAS says:
    Yeah, you're right John. Say hi to Bill Dunbar for me. * I called him John by mistake, but you know who i mean.

    foobags says:
    Mike & Kim Coy

    Host PWAS says:
    Oh, yes. Greetings!

    ozarkjim says:
    patty...every play with ultralights?

    Host PWAS says:
    Someone asked me about setting up an akro team in FS.

    Host PWAS says:
    Bill Dunbar!!

    AndyC says:
    I did Patty

    Host PWAS says:
    Not Jack...and I was going through my old logs the other day and saw his name.

    Host PWAS says:
    I've flown two ultralights - a Rans and a Zenair.

    Host PWAS says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    Time for another prize!

    Host Jay_FA says:
    An autographed copy of Sybex's "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: Official Strategies and Secrets" by David Chong, goes to:

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (cue the marching band)

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    Propwash! Congrats!

    Propwash says:
    Well, well....thanks so much..

    VGB says:
    Grats prop

    Host PWAS says:
    These are nice prizes Ben!

    Host PWAS says:
    OK, re: the FS Team - Ben can answer that one better than i, but it sounds like an awesome idea

    BDEchols says:
    Yes, great prizes. When does the real Extra 300 come up for prize?

    AndyC says:
    Congrats Propwash

    Host Jay_FA says:

    rfnagel says:

    Randy_H says:
    What's the largest aircraft you've flown?

    Host BenChiu says:
    Sure, I can't see why not!

    tb says:
    Barry LOL

    Host BenChiu says:
    We have observer mode in FS.

    Host PWAS says:
    Gosh, Randy - I've 'flown' a 747 and an Airbuss, but only in flight.

    Host BenChiu says:
    We also have theoretically unlimited players capacity in FlyNow!

    Host PWAS says:
    I've 'flown' a T-33

    BDEchols says:
    Maybe it would be eaier to ask what you have not flown! <grin>

    Host PWAS says:
    I've flown a bunch of airplanes

    Host PWAS says:
    Like to fly a bunch more

    VGB says:
    Patty - have the events of 9/11 affected your profession?

    Host SLODave says:
    Your favorite AC?

    Host BenChiu says:
    Barry, I was thinking the same.

    rfnagel says:
    Patty, I guess no aerobatics in the heavies <GDR>?

    Host PWAS says:
    VGB, I lost several shows.

    VGB says:

    Host PWAS says:
    But I think airshows will be back really strong this year. The military is really supporting them

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, cancelled, or postponed.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Is there any airplane that you haven't flown that you'd really like to fly?

    Host PWAS says:
    Ben, that's a good question.....

    ozarkjim says:
    i got to fly an R5D (DC-6)...and a superconnie while in the navy...had over 600 hrs in DC-6 Sim....awsome airplane

    tb says:
    Patty/Dale....we have NEVER had so many people in our room at one time...CONGRATS !!

    ozarkjim says:
    well...gotta go...thanks patty...ben...all

    Host PWAS says:
    I am not lusting after anything at the moment, but always open to opportunities. I have enjoyed flying the new military trainer - the JPAts T-6A, Texan II in airshows,and am hoping to fly it some more.

    Host PWAS says:
    TB, great.

    Host BenChiu says:
    See ya, ozark. Thanks for joining us!

    Host PWAS says:
    I've flown the SuperConnie

    Host PWAS says:
    Really fun!

    ozarkjim says:
    connie was a dog...right ?

    Host Greenie says:
    Bye Ozark, Thanks!!

    Host PWAS says:
    Not so bad

    tb says:
    ozark, come again !!

    ozarkjim says:
    no way to make a balanced turn

    Host PWAS says:
    Well, it's a big old thing

    Randy_H says:
    Good night Ozark

    ozarkjim says:
    so am i...nytol

    John_M says:

    Host PWAS says:
    600 hrs ina DC-6 sim? My dad flew those for a long time.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Your dad was a pilot, right?

    Host PWAS says:
    Yep. Flew for years

    foobags says:
    and your sister?

    BDEchols says:
    Have you ever piloted a helicopter?

    Host SLODave says:
    Is that what got you interested in flying?

    Host PWAS says:
    retired just awhile ago. AFter retiring from Japan Air Lines he flew in Alaska, then flew all over the Carribean and South and Central America.

    Host PWAS says:
    My sister is a Captain for Continental.

    Host PWAS says:
    I've got a few hundred hours in Helicopters BDE

    Host PWAS says:
    I love helicopters

    BDEchols says:
    Runs in the family.

    Host PWAS says:
    It must

    Host BenChiu says:
    Prize time, again! Jay, tell us what our lucky winner has won! :)

    Host Jay_FA says:
    An autographed copy of Patty Wagstaff's autobiography "Fire and Air, a Life on the Edge", goes to:

    Host Jay_FA says:

    VGB says:
    OK Barry

    John_M says:
    alright Barry !!

    Host BenChiu says:

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum corps is on coffee break)

    BDEchols says:
    Wow, the best prize of all!

    Host SLODave says:
    Yeah Barry!!!

    Host PWAS says:

    Host PWAS says:
    I hope you like it.

    Host PWAS says:
    I'll sign it for you

    tb says:
    BARRY !!!! MR. HELO

    AndyC says:
    Congrats Barry

    BDEchols says:

    Host PWAS says:
    I have other flying machines at home - other than the T-6, Baron, Super Cub and Extra.........

    Host PWAS says:
    Want to know what they are?

    John_M says:

    Host PWAS says:
    It's off topic a bit

    Host Gunner says:
    What is your sister flying for Continental? Our "baby girl" is a 2P (Dale knows what that is <g>) with Delta.

    Host PWAS says:

    Host thayward says:

    Host SLODave says:
    Patty, do you have a favorite AC?

    Host thayward says:

    Host PWAS says:
    My sister is now on the 727, she flew the 757 for awhile.

    BDEchols says:

    airmax says:
    will you be coming to north dakota or minnesota Patty ?

    Host PWAS says:
    I don't have a favorite aircraft. I asked Scott Crossfield that question once and he said, in his charming way, "It was always the airplane I was flying."

    Host thayward says:

    Host SLODave says:
    Your other flying machines at home wouldn't be the birds, would it?

    AndyC says:
    Jeez .. you are getting up there with John Travolta Patty

    John_M says:
    Patty> severa years back, read the story of the stray wrench. yikes!!

    rfnagel says:
    Hmmm... this still workin'?

    Host PWAS says:
    What do you mean Andy?

    Host PWAS says:
    Oh, yeah, you're from Australia - you speak another language!

    Host PWAS says:
    Ha John_ - I like that!

    AndyC says:
    Didn't he recently 'give away' a 700g airplane :)

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes< a jet trainer to Embry Riddle

    BDEchols says:
    Yep Andy comes to this chat often without a translator!

    Host PWAS says:
    Good for him. Plus a good tax write off.

    Host PWAS says:
    Wow, Andy - good on ya, mate!

    John_M says:
    Patty> it is a true story, correct? A mechanic's wrench left in your aircraft, temporarily jamed the controls.

    Host thayward says:
    Finders keepers

    rfnagel says:
    Hmmm.... chat window quit responding for a minute...

    Host PWAS says:
    John_ - you're right. When you said a "stray wrench" I thought you meant "stray wench" referring to me!! Haha!

    AndyC says:
    See what I mean Patty... this is nothing ... they are being polite tonight :)

    airmax says:
    Patty do you take anything for motion sickness before a flight?

    John_M says:
    Wench? LOL

    Host Mike_Greenwood says:

    Host PWAS says:
    No Airmax...I do not get motion sickness and never have.

    rfnagel says:

    Host thayward says:
    would not be a good profession, or even hobby, for someone who does Patty!

    Host PWAS says:

    Host SLODave says:

    Host PWAS says:
    I have always suggested that people use Relief Band.....they seem to work great!

    Host PWAS says:
    You can get them from

    foobags says:
    Patty, did I already miss the PBS TV special?

    tb says:
    Patty, is their a manuver u would like to put into ur routine, but just haven't mastered ?

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, but it will re-run I'm sure.

    John_M says:
    hey George !!

    Host PWAS says:
    TB - no I need ideas though

    AndyC says:
    Meant to ask what "Relief Band" meant Patty, on the wheel cowls in FS ?

    Host PWAS says:
    John_ that's funny! Ask him if he's still "dancing on those rudder pedals like John Travolta" he'll know what i mean.

    John_M says:
    rgr, know what ya mean

    Host PWAS says:
    Yes, Andy - they are a sponsor. It's an amazing product I think.

    Host PWAS says:
    Andy, I've always tried to keep my routine safe but exciting if you know what I mean. I'm also very much into 'competition' style flying - meaning, I love the precision of aerobatics

    Host SLODave says:
    Relief Band... I think they played at Farm Aid II

    Host PWAS says:
    Maybe I'm too conservative, but I don't think so.

    John_M says:
    oh man, wanted to quote Patty, and just routed the entire con to a printer. Dohhh <g>

    Host SLODave says:
    The precision is what makes it exciting.

    Host Gunner says:
    WTG John, Ben needs a hard copy anyway... ;-)

    Host PWAS says:
    I agree SLODave, that's what floats my boat anyway.

    John_M says:
    LOL Mike. Tell him they are available for free, with $30 shipping and handling <s>

    tb says:

    Host SLODave says:
    Maintaining your concentration during a routine must be tough.

    John_M says:
    SLODave, good point. Patty, how long (minutes) is a show routine?

    Host PWAS says:
    Dave, it's actually not. I'm a short attention span theatre person because I'm kind of ADD, as most airshow pilots are...HOWEVER...ADD people are

    BDEchols says:
    At my age, maintaining my concentration on the way to the refrigerator can be tough!

    Host PWAS says:
    able to have very intense periods of Hyper-Focus...which is why I'm good at and love aerobatic routines.

    Host thayward says:
    very energetic>

    foobags says:
    Any special 'rituals' before a flight?

    Host PWAS says:
    Haha BD

    John_M says:
    ROFL Barry

    Host BenChiu says:
    Our allotted time is up, but Patty's agreed to stay 15 minutes longer!

    BDEchols says:

    Host PWAS says:
    John - my airshow routine is just under l5 minutes.

    John_M says:

    Host Greenie says:
    Thanks Patty!

    Host PWAS says:
    Foos, my special rituals are to get into my little bubble of concentration and focus and visualize my routine.

    Host SLODave says:
    Thanks for the extra time Patty... BTW, what's Hyper-Focus?

    Host thayward says:
    That's when a hyper person puts on their glasses <GRIN>

    Host PWAS says:
    Hyper-focus could best be described as putting things into a very focused situation, like 'tunnel vision' where you are able to block out everything else.

    Host Greenie says:
    Maybe I should know this from MSFS, but what is the approximate range with the extra-300 if you were to do a x-country?

    Host SLODave says:
    What are the toughest distractions?

    Host PWAS says:
    Greenie, about 2.5 hours or 350 - 400 miles.

    Host Greenie says:
    That would get ya to Tahoe from here...easy! <g>

    Host PWAS says:
    Dave, the toughest distractions are when something doesn't go right - a headset comes off, a seatbelt comes loose, that kind of thing.

    tb says:
    Patt, do u have a 'trick' named after u ??

    tb says:

    Host PWAS says:
    I (or my ferry pilot) fly everywhere!

    Host thayward says:
    SloDave - Co-Pilots, Radios, :)

    Host craiggresham says:
    seatbelt yikes !

    Host PWAS says:
    TB - there's a stunt by the Parabatics team named after me.

    Host BenChiu says:
    Prize time.....again!!

    Host Jay_FA says:
    An autographed Patty Wagstaff T-shirt goes to:

    airmax says:
    Patty when in a roll do you concentrate on the attitude indicator or the horizon?

    Host Jay_FA says:
    (drum roll)

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host PWAS says:
    Airmax, I don't use the attitude indicator during a routine. Just the horizon and timing.

    VGB says:
    way to go John

    Host BenChiu says:
    Congratulations, John!

    airmax says:

    Host PWAS says:
    I have only a small - 2" electric attitude indicator - for backup/emergencies.

    Host SLODave says:
    You're now a well dressed guy, John.

    John_M says:
    Thanks !!

    BDEchols says:
    Congrats John

    Host PWAS (Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy.rmi)

    RobertVA says:

    John_M says:
    Wow, Dunbar will go nuts when he sees me wearing that!!. I could not have thought of a better way to get his goat!

    VGB says:
    Patty - you seem quite adept at this chat thing - do a lot of them?

    Host PWAS says:

    Host Gunner says:
    I've heard John called a lot of things but "sugar plum fairy" is a new one!

    VGB says:

    Host PWAS says:

    Host Gunner says:
    Somehow the vision of John in a tu-tu just doesn't compute!

    Host PWAS says:
    sorry John, no offence intended.

    Host SLODave says:
    I'm starting to spin at the thought.

    Host PWAS (Ding.wav)

    Host BenChiu says:
    Guns, I think you've damaged my imagination with that one. :)

    John_M says:
    Gunner> I need to send ya the latest photo's then <s>

    Host Gunner says:

    John_M says:
    Me, offending? I washed last Sat. Oh, offended,,,, never mind <g>

    Host SLODave says:
    Patty, do you have a favorite air show venue?

    Host Greenie says:
    John> The photos we took in Seattle ya mean? <s>

    John_M says:
    Geenie> shhh, you promised not to mention those <s>

    Host PWAS says:
    SLOdAVE, the show I'm at usually - but I have to say I love Oshkosh.

    Host PWAS says:
    There are some really great venues...

    Host PWAS says:
    Jacksonville, Florida is one.

    BDEchols says:
    Yeah for Florida!

    Host PWAS says:
    Chicago Lakefront is another

    Host Greenie says:
    Oh sure, give Gunner more ammo than he already has!

    Host Gunner says:
    Yeah, except I-95 south bound is closed in St. John's County.

    Host PWAS says:

    rfnagel says:
    Patty, any chance of So. FLorida in any upcoming schedules?

    Host SLODave says:
    I've enjoyed watching the Blues practice over/around SF.

    Host PWAS says:
    Williston Florida.

    Host PWAS says:
    Oh, yeah, Fleet Week.

    John_M says:
    Greenie> ok, will e-mail the photos to Gunner. He won't share them with anyone <g>

    Host SLODave says:
    You betcha.

    airmax says:
    come to fargo and lead the Blue angels for us

    Host Gunner says:
    Yeah, truck hit the overpass at S.R. 206 this evening.

    Host PWAS says:
    Toronto is awesome too.

    Host PWAS says:

    Host PWAS says:
    At 206? That's just down the road from me.

    Host PWAS says:
    I'm near 312 in St. Augustine Beach.

    Host Gunner says:
    Yeah, traffic this evening was a disaster and will probably be well into tomorrow.

    Host PWAS says:
    I'll bet.

    tb says:
    Patty/Dale, its been a "real pleasure"! Please come by again !!! If u ever get to the NC, SC area I'll have my AUTO-Graft t- shirt on and Barrys book in my right hand !!

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks TB.

    BDEchols says:

    John_M says:
    Thanks to you both for coming. It was a real treat

    Host PWAS says:
    And, thanks everyone for showing up. Make sure to check out our web site: We have a great forums section!

    tb says:
    Amen !!

    airmax says:

    Host SLODave says:
    Roger that.

    John_M says:
    Ben, et. al, thanks for putting this together

    Host PWAS says:
    And, check out for my schedule it's early and i'm still adding shows. Say hello if you see me at an airshow

    rfnagel says:
    Many thanx for being here Patty, I really enjoyed it -:)

    tb says:
    THX, Ben

    BDEchols says:
    And I applaud your good sense in choosing Florida for your home base.

    Host BenChiu says:
    OK, one more prize!!!!!!

    VGB says:
    Thanx Patty

    Host Jay_FA says:
    A copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 goes to:

    AndyC says:
    A real pleasure Patty

    John_M says:
    Barry> but she loves Alaska more <s>

    Host Jay_FA says:

    Host Greenie says:
    Patty, I can't thank you enough for being here! It was great meeting you. If you find yerself in San Jose, let me know!

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks, Greenie.

    Essate says:

    Host BenChiu says:
    Great! Congratulations Essate!

    Host thayward says:
    Thank you Patty, Next time you are in Colorado, I will say Hello!

    VGB says:
    Hope you can come back soon

    BDEchols says:
    Yes Patty. Thanks for taking the time to join us.

    Host PWAS says:
    I will. I enjoy this.

    John_M says:
    good deal

    Host PWAS says:
    Hi to everyone in Alaska...

    Host Jay_FA says:
    Thanks to everyone for participating...great chat folks

    Host PWAS says:
    and go to Mexico in Alaska for me.

    Host Gunner says:
    Let's hear it for North East Florida!

    John_M says:
    rgr, will do both

    Host thayward says:
    Yeah for Florida !

    Host PWAS says:
    Yay for NE Florida

    John_M says:
    but no flying the next day <s>

    GeorgeBo says:
    Lets hear it for South Florida!

    Host BenChiu says:
    Thanks for joining us, Patty! It's been a real treat!

    Host PWAS says:
    Thanks, Ben, see you all soon. FLY SAFE FS or not and don't CRASH my Extra anymore, you hear?

    Host SLODave says:
    Blue skys and fair winds...

    tb says:
    Night ALL THX !!

    Host BenChiu says:
    We hope to see you around the VPC again soon!


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