Now, Vic, that's not nice! The fellow had a serious question there .I don't know anything really, but I thought the One Design was supposed to be an inexpensive monoplane designed to be competitive up to Unlimited. Also, I believe there was a thought that there could be contests run using just One Design types, to provide a level playing field for the competitors.
Here are a few links that might be helpful:
Hope this helps!
Tom P.
> Now, Vic, that's not nice! The fellow had a serious question there
> .LOL!
Talk about egg on my face<g>. Was looking for a link to a name or a picture and thought he forgot. Right AFTER I uploaded my response I took a closer look at the title and remembered I'd heard the name One Design before.
Keyboard fingers in gear before brain was running.
Glad you had a real answer for him!
I can only please one person per day. I pick me!
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