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Forum: DCForumID9
Thread Number: 187
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"Extra 300L/S owners, how did you do it? Tell me your story."

Posted by N73KW on 08-15-06 at 16:15z
Greetings All,
The question is: The Extra 300L is a very nice aircraft with the price tag to match, as owners of EA-300L or 300S how did you reach the position to achieve your goal of ownership? I know it is a silly question, but everyone has a story and every story has a good lesson to learn.

The reason I ask is because a few years back I had the chance to front seat fly an Extra 300L...and I still get a goofy smile every time I think about it. The closest thing I have flown to match the feel of an Extra is a RV-3, its very light on the controls. The other aircraft to come close to the HP was a Harmon Rocket. Both are wonderful aircraft, but they are not an Extra.

So, call it a mid-life wake up call. I want to figure out what path to take to become an Extra owner. I don't have deep pockets to plunk down 280 G's. So I need to get there. I have a private strip in Indiana that needs a Extra 300L to make the dream come true.

Drop my a line, email or even a picture. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth 1000 words, an experience is worth 10,000 pictures."

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"RE: Extra 300L/S owners, how did you do it? Tell me your story."
Posted by Patty_Wagstaff on 08-28-06 at 12:35z
Well, I can't tell you how to reach your goal of ownership, but some people find partners and share airplanes. Might be a good thing to pursue.

Best of luck