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Thread Number: 194
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"ACARS 2.0 questions"

Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-15-02 at 01:12z

We're trying to track down possible problem with ACARS 2.0. We'd be most appreciative if everyone would let us know whether or not you hear the new user enter and/or exit sounds. Note that the option for sounds is found in Options menu.



-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by Emile on 09-15-02 at 05:40z
Hi Ben,
I never did receive an acars "bleep" or message, more when I try to key-in some characters in this window nothing happen , even after introducing my OP password.

In fact I do not know how to send a message.

For your information , the ACRAS is refused on my Windows NT machine at the office (DirectX context)

I'll send you a screenshot to show what I have on my screen

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-15-02 at 06:47z
Greetings Emile:

It looks right.

ACARS will only sound when you receive a message.

To send a message, double click the user's name that you want to send a message to.

What we're researching is whether another sound will play when a user enters or leaves ACARS.

Hope this helps!


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by Emile on 09-16-02 at 05:29z
Good Morning Ben,
I confirm : ACARS is working (bleep & receiving and sending messages) we did use it yesterday evening with James

I have a question : when I "host" a flight in the "terminal" (as yesterday evening (European time) it seams that other Pilots (my friend James for example) have no possibility to join me and ask me my IP address.
I do not introduce any IP address at start of the flight , should I ? if yes which one?
Thanks in advance

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by vgbaron on 09-16-02 at 15:50z
> I have a question : when I "host" a flight in the "terminal" (as
> yesterday evening (European time) it seams that other Pilots (my friend
> James for example) have no possibility to join me and ask me my IP
> address.

Emile -

If you're hosting in the Flight Terminal, your IP is automatically passed to the launcher for the other pilots. That's the point of joining through the terminal, it's taken care of for you.


Emile -

Of all the things I've lost - I miss my mind the most

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-16-02 at 15:58z
Greetings Emile:

> I confirm : ACARS is working (bleep & receiving and sending messages) we
> did use it yesterday evening with James

Thanks for the note. We're very interested in knowing whether ACARS 2.0 makes a sound when a user enters or leaves ACARS. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know whether that feature works as well.

> I have a question : when I "host" a flight in the "terminal" (as
> yesterday evening (European time) it seams that other Pilots (my friend
> James for example) have no possibility to join me and ask me my IP
> address.

You IP address should be automatically passed to the next player to join (if you're host). However, in some instances it won't work (routers/firewalls and NAT'ed internet connections will prevent the Flight Terminal from reading your real IP address).

> I do not introduce any IP address at start of the flight , should I ? if
> yes which one?

That would be your internet IP address. If you're on a dialup, it'd *usually* be the IP address of your dialup adapter. If you're on broadband, you'll have to ask your ISP which you need.

Hope this helps!


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by John on 09-15-02 at 18:29z
I hear no sound when a new user enters and /or exits.


"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-15-02 at 20:02z
Thanks, John.


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by James on 09-16-02 at 19:45z
Didn't work my end Ben. Only time I knew any thing was when Emile and I were passing posts in it. It pops up when Emile posted a message to me.


James (CONman) Anderson
*** The plane in front is a Boeing ***

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: James Anderson
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: ACARS 2.0 questions"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-16-02 at 21:36z
> Didn't work my end Ben. Only time I knew any thing was when Emile and I
> were passing posts in it. It pops up when Emile posted a message to me.

Thanks, James!


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-