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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 114
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Original Message
"ACARS window"

Posted by vgbaron on 01-04-02 at 02:27z
Ben -

I finally figured what's wrong with the ACARS window. The actual ACARS screen is a fixed size but it's displayed in a popup window with scroll bars, borders, etc. May I suggest a dialog type winbdow with just a close button -no scroll bars, no resizing - doesn't make any difference anyway to the actual ACARS screen - it just sits at the upper left hand corner.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: ACARS window"
Posted by jonahbird on 01-04-02 at 07:47z
Hi Vic

Mine arrives at the upper right and I have to drag it to the left to get at the close button.

What's this for anyway?


"RE: ACARS window"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-04-02 at 16:48z
Hi Frank:

>Mine arrives at the upper right and I have to drag it to
>the left to get at the close button.

Sounds like you're using a resolution less than 1024 x 768

>What's this for anyway?

ACARS is an instant messager (you can send instant messages to anyone on the system).


"RE: ACARS window"
Posted by jonahbird on 01-04-02 at 17:37z
Hi Ben

You're right. Due to my elderly feeble eyesight I keep my desktop at 800x600. I suppose my 19" screen is getting small by the standards now being set :-(.

Instant messager. Right.....
