G,day All,Has anyone mastered landing the Piper Cub in (as little as )8knot 90* crosswind.
I have tried all combinations of aerilon, Rudder (Num. Keyboard) speed and glide slope and always end up yawing and then rolling just before stopping. Have given full forward yoke trying to keep tail up with no success.
Is this an inherent problem with this simulation or is there a knack in landing the "beastie" 
Will be grateful for any pointers. TIA
Greetings Andy:What you're seeing is a FS problem. The transition from flight to ground handling has always been troublesome. You can tweak the models so one is better, but the other usually suffers. The main problem is the weathervaning effect is much too strong when you're on the ground, but it feels right when you're in the air. But once your wheels touchdown... watch out!!!
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