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Thread Number: 834
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Original Message
"March 28 Proposed Flight"

Posted by Ben_Chiu on 03-26-04 at 00:34z

This was created using the tools in the VPC Pilot Services area. The flight plan was generated by the flight planning tool. Although there is some funky-ness with the climb/descent/cruise information, the route is sound.


N34 35, W120 00
Runway Length: 2100
Elevation: 570
Magnetic Variation: 14º E

N35 14, W120 38
Runway Length: 5300
Elevation: 212
Magnetic Variation: 15º E


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by andor on 03-26-04 at 02:58z
G,day Ben,

WOW ! must have a look at that VPC services area, looks great, maybe just what we are looking for.

"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 03-26-04 at 06:13z
Greetings Andy:

> WOW ! must have a look at that VPC services area, looks great, maybe
> just what we are looking for.

The Flight Planner and Facilities Directory have been in the Crew section of the Pilot Services area for quite some time. You can actually get at these (and more) if you load up the VPC FS2K4 Kneeboard replacement as well.

We've also added a HTML table generator for flight plans to the Forum reply/new post pages as well. Please see VPC Tech for details.


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.83-

"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by tb on 03-27-04 at 01:33z

Ben impressive. Even I might be able to get from point "a" to point "B", but then it might be handy to know the cloud formations ahead of time. Dave gets confused.

"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 03-27-04 at 02:38z
Greetings tb:

>Ben impressive. Even I might be able to get from point "a"
>to point "B", but then it might be handy to know the cloud
>formations ahead of time.

I'd plan for terrain avoidance, then adjust altitude on the flight based on clouds. Of course, since you know Robert, you could get him to change the clouds if you don't like what you see. :)

> Dave gets confused.

Uh-huh... ;)


"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by David_MultiView on 03-27-04 at 23:37z
> Dave gets confused.

What clouds? I can't see any clouds...oh wait, I had my eyes closed. Well, I mean really, who wouldn't get confused with all these instuctions - "When you see the ocean, turn left", "Land just after the radio tower" - Way too much information. I haven't even found the ocean yet! Oh, nevermind, I had my eyes closed again!

(You spread debris over the runway a few times and you'll never hear the end of it!)

"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by RobertVA on 03-30-04 at 06:09z
Sorry I missed the flight. A relative was having some computer problems and I speent Saturday evening getting two of their computers back in service (corrupted files). I got them to test a couple of DVDs I had made in their DVD player while I was at it.

How was the turn out and were there any interesting events?



"RE: March 28 Proposed Flight"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 03-30-04 at 20:40z
> Sorry I missed the flight. A relative was having some computer problems
> and I speent Saturday evening getting two of their computers back in
> service (corrupted files). I got them to test a couple of DVDs I had
> made in their DVD player while I was at it.

Ah, computer orphans. :)

I know the situation well. :)

We missed you.

> How was the turn out and were there any interesting events?

I took off in the Cub and found myself grinding away into a 25knot headwind. My ground speed was ranged from 49 to 66 KIAS (in a descent). By the end of the hour, I only made it to Santa Maria. At that point, rather than land at SMX, I switched to the 182 and joined the guys at SBP. The flight was kind of bumpy due to the wind and there were some clouds at about 3-4k, so flying low and slow was an interesting change of pace.


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.83-