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Thread Number: 783
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"Runway numbers where are you?"

Posted by fellowman2003 on 09-17-03 at 15:14z
I am into Microsoft Flight sim 2004. The sim presents a major problem for me.It is finding runway numbers other than the one you're plane starts on, and the "in game" learning manual fails to help. It always happens when I want to taxi before takeoff. I begin, at say north on runway 36. But I want to go WEST not north.

So I contact the ATC or the control tower. They will in turn tell me to taxi on my present runway to runway 6 west or 7 west and hold my plane for clearance for takeoff. Sounds simple right? But where is runway 6 or 7?

They are not painted on the runways going west. In fact there are no runways going due west or left from the main runway running due north and the little blocks always are a1 a2 or a3. I taxi all over the airport trying to find a different numbered runway. No luck. So I end up just taking off straight north and turning my plane due west in midair. Does anyone else have this problem? If not, how do you find the runways going west?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Runway numbers where are you?"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-17-03 at 19:56z
Greetings fellowman2003:

> I am into Microsoft Flight sim 2004. The sim presents a major problem
> for me.It is finding runway numbers other than the one you're plane
> starts on, and the "in game" learning manual fails to help. It always
> happens when I want to taxi before takeoff. I begin, at say north on
> runway 36. But I want to go WEST not north.

In the real world, the runway in use is decided by the winds and visibility. (The preferable runway is the one that faces into the wind.) But even if the winds are calm, there is usually a preferred runway or runways at most airports.

If 36 is the runway in use In the situation you describe, you'd request a left crosswind departure and takeoff on 36, and when you're within 300' of pattern altitude (with ATC and traffic permitting), you'd begin your left crosswind turn.

> So I contact the ATC or the control tower. They will in turn tell me to
> taxi on my present runway to runway 6 west or 7 west and hold my plane
> for clearance for takeoff. Sounds simple right? But where is runway 6 or
> 7?

Many of the airports in FS have taxiway and runway signage. Regardless, in the real world, if you were unfamiliar with an airport, you'd have an airport diagram (sometimes referred to as a taxi diagram) to follow or you'd simply ask ATC for "progressive taxi" and they'd guide you. FS2K4 has this feature.

> They are not painted on the runways going west. In fact there are no
> runways going due west or left from the main runway running due north
> and the little blocks always are a1 a2 or a3. I taxi all over the
> airport trying to find a different numbered runway. No luck. So I end up
> just taking off straight north and turning my plane due west in midair.
> Does anyone else have this problem? If not, how do you find the runways
> going west?

It'd help if you gave us specifics about which airport you're talking about. Sometimes there are airports that have both hard surface and non-hard surface runways. Perhaps the E/W runway is grass?

Hope this helps.


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.80-

"RE: Runway numbers where are you?"
Posted by James on 09-17-03 at 20:33z
Hi Fellowman2003,

A name is more helpful <s>.

>> I am into Microsoft Flight sim 2004. The sim presents a major problem
for me.It is finding runway numbers other than the one you're plane
starts on, and the "in game" learning manual fails to help. It always
happens when I want to taxi before takeoff. I begin, at say north on
runway 36. But I want to go WEST not north. <<

Firstly, which airport (ICAO CODE) are you starting from? Secondly, FSCOF has a great little utility called ATC. When you start your flight FSCOF and ATC selects the Active Runway from the sim itself or from weather you have loaded. Hence, it gives you an active runway.

>> So I contact the ATC or the control tower. They will in turn tell me to
taxi on my present runway to runway 6 west or 7 west and hold my plane
for clearance for takeoff. Sounds simple right? But where is runway 6 or 7? <<

This is a new one on me since I've never asked ATC for Taxi Clearance from the Active Runway, so can't comment on this part but I will try it soon <s>. Depending on which Airport you are at will depend on your route VIA Taxi Ways from your present position to your Take Off position. The location of runways etc (if you are unfamiliar with this particular Airport) can be found in Map View and taking a tour around the Airport.

>> They are not painted on the runways going west. In fact there are no
runways going due west or left from the main runway running due north
and the little blocks always are a1 a2 or a3. I taxi all over the
airport trying to find a different numbered runway. No luck. So I end up
just taking off straight north and turning my plane due west in midair.
Does anyone else have this problem? If not, how do you find the runways
going west? <<

All Runways in FSCOF are marked (even grass ones if I recall correctly). If you are at an Airport with just 1 or even 2 runways (but both heading the same way) then you can only take off or land in 1 of 4 configurations. Say you are on the active 36 the opposite end is going to be 18. If there are 2 heading in the same direction then they will be 36L or 36R and 18L and 18R (L = Left, R = Right).

Therefore, if you request ATC Clearance to fly West or East then you will take off from either 36 or 18 and Turn Left or Right to then head East or West.

Try going to an Airport you are familiar with. Then start the flight from either a gate or parking slot. Start ATC and ask for clearance to Taxi selecting any heading you want. ATC will give you clearance to a runway which they deem to be the Active. Let me/us know how you get on.


James (CONman) Anderson

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: James Anderson
-OLR.PL v1.80-

"RE: Runway numbers where are you?"
Posted by vgbaron on 09-19-03 at 16:58z
Not sure I completely understand your question but have you tried turning 'progressive taxi' on? It will show you the path that ground has cleared for you. This should help the learning curve.



-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.80-