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"Wideview Setup"

Posted by jimh on 05-31-03 at 08:55z
Hi All,

I thought you might be interested in seeing my Wideview Rig.
I have a small home office, about 10 feet square. I have a custom built desk 6 feet long, with a drawer underneath for 2 keyboards and 2 trackballs. I had a computer for running our business, with a second as backup, when I got the chance to acquire some second hand monitors.....:)


This is a long way from being a home cockpit, but the increase in realism, flying Fs2002 is immeasureable!

Below is same without the room lighting. The monitors normally give enough light to read notes, charts, etc.

Regards, Jim H.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Wideview Setup"
Posted by vgbaron on 05-31-03 at 19:28z
Hey Jim -

That's a great setup. Makes me envious<G>. Thanx for sharing - guess I'll have to get to work, I have most of the equipment - just too lazy to set it up.


Vic Baron

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Registered to: Vic Baron
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"RE: Wideview Setup"
Posted by jimh on 05-31-03 at 20:31z
Hi Vic,

If you've got the equipment, go for it! You certainly won't regret it. It simply transforms MSFS for me as nothing else has, or even come close. It does take a few hours though, to get everything right.

If you need any help, just shout.

Regards, Jim