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Thread Number: 717
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"FS2002 ATP Checkride"

Posted by BigJosh on 04-07-03 at 00:22z
Can anyone here that has passed the ATP Checkride in FS2002 offer me any advice. I alwaysfail on the holding pattern. I succesfully preform the teardrop entry (60 degrees turn to 270 degrees) and fly the 1*minute pattern 90 outbound 270 inbound. The problem is that I juststay there forever. She doesn't reply unless you fly directly over the VOR she'll say that you flew out of holding pattern airspace. I know this is a big but can anyone help me out? I hold both the FS2002 Private and Commercial Certificates. Thanks in advance.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: FS2002 ATP Checkride"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 04-08-03 at 01:30z
Have you tried these tips?



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