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Thread Number: 716
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"April Flight Rally"

Posted by James on 04-01-03 at 10:14z
Hi Guy's,

I have a major problem in arranging the April Flight Rally. It should be Sunday the 13th but I'm in London that day!! The following weekend is Easter Sunday!! Would appreciate your thoughts on this as soon as please. When would you like it arranged for?


James (CONman) Anderson

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: James Anderson
-OLR.PL v1.80-

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: April Flight Rally"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 04-06-03 at 05:46z
Hi James:

I'm all for delaying the rally until you return.

I'd also like to propose that we Rally to Meigs. There seems to be some new scenery out for it now. If we do go there, we should stipulate that you must land on the taxiway. :)


-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.80-

"RE: April Flight Rally"
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 04-07-03 at 01:00z
>>If we do go there, we should stipulate that
you must land on the taxiway. :)<<

Yeah, I saw some photos, and Daley did a helluva job tearing up the runway.

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Mike Greenwood
-OLR.PL v1.80-

"RE: April Flight Rally"
Posted by James on 04-07-03 at 20:32z
HI Ben,

Been away for a few day's :-( at short notice and didn't have time to get home and pick up my laptop (I now carry it with me all the time) :-)

Roger on the delay. This is a funny month in the UK. Every thing is happening all at once <s>. will consider the suggestion for Meigs <S>.


James (CONman) Anderson

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: James Anderson
-OLR.PL v1.80-