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Thread Number: 648
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Original Message
"Matrox Parhelia"

Posted by Simtech on 11-01-02 at 17:42z
Can anyone here with a Parhelia card tell me what they did to resolve the freezeups that are associated with this card please? The tech support is rediculous. I have tried many things. New VIA patch, latest beta drivers, etc. Anyone? Please?


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Matrox Parhelia"
Posted by James on 11-02-02 at 12:32z
Hi Bob,

I'm not getting any freeze up's my end, don't know if any one else is. What's your Cards BIOS version number and Driver version numbers?


James (CONman) Anderson
*** The plane in front is a Boeing ***

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Registered to: James Anderson
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"RE: Matrox Parhelia"
Posted by Madape on 11-03-02 at 01:29z
Hi Bob

>Can anyone here with a Parhelia card tell me what they did
>to resolve the freezeups that are associated with this
>card please? The tech support is rediculous. I have tried
>many things. New VIA patch, latest beta drivers, etc.

Instead of using BETA drivers (which are usally unstable), have you tried installing the latest stable build of the cards drivers instead?

Sam Harvey