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Thread Number: 610
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"Submitting Rally Reports ?"

Posted by PL965Melo on 09-18-02 at 01:52z
Hi Guys,

Now that the file library is up and running can we submit our own Rally reports. Or can we submit messages with attached pictures?

Or do we still need to send the report with pictures to Ben and have him post them.

Took a few pictures of my Rally 8 flight in the F-16 in and around KJFK and want to share them.

Usually PL965 Spitfire pilot,
This time flying CAP for Rally 8
in a New Jersey based F-16. :-)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Submitting Rally Reports ?"
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 09-18-02 at 04:13z
Hi Melo,

>>Now that the file library is up and running can we submit our own Rally
reports. <<

This is the procedure. In the library forum, click on "post" then write up a description of your upload. Above the message window, you'll see an option that reads, "Click here to upload your file." Follow your nose there. Once it's up, I'll process it and post the link in the lib forum. If you're uploading text and pics, it's obviously best if you "zip" the whole thing up.

Thanks in advance for your contribution! I'm looking forward to it.

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Mike Greenwood
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Submitting Rally Reports ?"
Posted by PL965Melo on 09-20-02 at 05:26z
Hi Greenie,

>Thanks in advance for your contribution! I'm looking
>forward to it.

Will have something ready this weekend. Spent the last day and a half doing some diagnostics, etc. on my system.

Added a 60 GB drive as Master and made my current 40 GB the Backup drive. The only program that stalled on the splash screen for a while there was FS2002, of course. :-)

Took a little bit to get everything running smooth again. All better now so I will start processing the pictures tomorrow.
