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"Lost Gauges after cleaning "

Posted by Emile on 09-09-02 at 06:36z
Hello Guys,
I need some assistance, I wanted to clean the gauges folder to reduce the size. I did install and run a product (found on flightsim) called "Aircraft & Gauges uninstaller 41" .After running the product, I did not delete any aircrafts, I was looking for the cleaning of the gauges folder only, I did check ALL the available aircraft and I did find that the panels of the KingAir 350 and the DeHavilland Dash 8-100 are without gauges ...as a result some other imported aircrafts have incomplete panels. Despite my restore (copy and paste) of the extracted gauges I still miss the KingAir and Dash. Where are they ?? I have no idea.
Does some of you know where (on what CD of FS2002, folder) I can find these gauges?
Thanks in advance

I was afraid before doing this cleaning operation, now I am convinced that it is beter to have a large folder than missing data.

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"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Emile on 09-09-02 at 18:33z
Hi, It's not a reply but one more question to the experimented guys in FS2002. Is it possible for me to install on my HD a 2nd FS2002 PRO in an other folder than the standard one? Without any risks on the one already installed!!!!!
If yes .... this may be the solution for me to get again the standard Gauges Folder and afterwards I can copy/paste the 2nd onto the first without replacing the gauges still available.

Any recommendations
Thanks in advance

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version =-
Registered to: Emile E. De Mesmaeker
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-09-02 at 20:36z
Greetings Emile:

> Is it possible for me to install on my HD a 2nd FS2002 PRO in an
> other folder than the standard one?


> Without any risks on the one already installed!!!!!

Unfortunately, no. I haven't tried it in FS2K2, but in the older versions, the registry entries get all screwed and things like multiplayer mode cease to work.

> If yes .... this may be the solution for me to get again the standard
> Gauges Folder and afterwards I can copy/paste the 2nd onto the first
> without replacing the gauges still available.

One solution is to install to a another machine and copy the gauge folder to the machine with the missing gauges.

Otherwise, the only other solution that I know of is to reinstall over your current installation, but beware that you'll most likely have to reinstall all of your add ons again.

Good luck!


-= VPC OffLine Reader 1.2 =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by awheeler on 09-09-02 at 21:46z
Here's an easier and safer way you could recover those default FS2002 gauges:

Use your Zip utility (I use PowerArchiver) to open FS2002.CAB that's on FS2002 CD #1.
Under "Files" click on the "Files" radio button and then enter *.GAU in the box.
Extract them to a directory of your choice and you'll end up with the 198 default gauges.

You could select "Allow Overwrites" and extract them directly into the FS2002 Gauge directory if you want. I'd use a temporary directory though.

FS2002 gauges get messed up by downloading panels that have FS2000 default gauges included that overwrite FS2002 gauges. There are several (11 that I know of) FS2K/FS2K2 gauges with identical filenames but MS revised them in the FS2K2 versions. A good example is the BENDIX_KING_RADIO.GAU that has the audio panel in the FS2K2 version but not in the FS2K version. Best policy is to never allow downloaded gauges to overwrite.

Al Wheeler

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by PeteDowson on 09-09-02 at 23:27z
Hi Emile,

> Is it possible for me to install on my HD a 2nd FS2002 PRO in an
> other folder than the standard one? Without any risks on the one already
> installed!!!!!

I've always done this. Because I do a lot of development and testing, I need a base "virgin" installation in order to compare results. So what I do is install FS to where I want it (*never* the default location where is would like to go -- I always install it on a second hard disk or partition, away from Windows, and with a nice short folder name, like D:\FS2002).

Then I either make a copy of it (the whole folder, getting "Copy of FS2002") to keep as my "virgin installation", or , more usually, rename that folder (e.g. to "FS2002 Original") and install it again to D:\FS2002.

I would suggest you do the same. Simply rename your current FS folder, the install a fresh complete copy to the same original folder name. This is assuming you have the space, of course.

Then you can do one of two things:

EITHER copy bits from the new installation to the old one, to make up for the bits you are missing. Then rename the folders again so that your now complete old installation is the one registered in the Registry,

OR build up your new installation with the add-ons from your old one. To start with simply copying across your FS2002.CFG file will get your base options set. You can even copy across add-on programs, aircraft, scenery (don't forget the SCENERY.CFG file in this case) which registered themselves in your registry, since they will have been registered with that original folder name in any case, so they still stay properly installed.

I tend to favour the first method, as that at least always gives you a place to get original parts from, or to run as a test should you try an add-on which seems to muck things up. Of course, it will be taking up 2Gb of disk space, so you might want to get rid of it quite soon, instead. <G>



-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Peter L. Dowson
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 09-10-02 at 03:17z
Hi Pete,

>> I
need a base "virgin" installation in order to compare results. So what I
do is install FS to where I want it (*never* the default location where
is would like to go -- I always install it on a second hard disk or
partition, away from Windows, and with a nice short folder name, like

GREAT advice, and that is what I have done for many years! I always have a "virgin" installation of FS somewhere.

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Mike Greenwood
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning"
Posted by BillC on 09-12-02 at 10:52z
Hi Emile..

> Is it possible for me to install on my HD a 2nd FS2002 PRO in an other folder than the standard one? Without any risks on the one already installed!!!!!

Since FS5 I have always had a 'spare' copy of the current FS on another partition - complete with a separate scenery folder, without problems. I use this second copy, on Drive E:, purely for scenery changes and/or occasional SCASM scenery programming.

This needs a little hacking of the registry, which although is frowned upon by many <g> is also very simple to do. This is because the registry keeps a note of every program, and FS2002 is no exception. All I do is to rename my original FS2002 installation to D:\FS2002 Old' or similar, perform a new install to E:\FS2002, then do a find/replace in RegEdit of my new 'E:\FS2002' entries in the registry back to D:\FS2002.

This prevents any later confusion to programs like FSNav & others when they are looking for FS2002. Since these programs are intended for my original 'fly' copy, they need to be able to 'see' the D:\FS2002 copy when installing.

If I do have a problem with D:\FS2002, then it is convenient to be able to copy over any corrupted files. It is also very handy for a quick 'fire up' and fly around, because I have just the minimum number of aircraft/panels/scenery. This 'Edit' copy is a mere 1.8Gb <g> (My origianl 'Fly' copy is currently 6.1Gb)

However, this may be overkill for what you require.

The current size of HDs makes this an easy option to consider, though. It could also be used for a complete backup of all your aircraft/panels etc. Worth thinking about <g>

I wouldn't recommend another copy in the same partition, though. I don't think that the installation program will allow it, anyhow.


-= VPC OffLine Reader Version =-
Registered to: Bill Cusick
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by vgbaron on 09-10-02 at 05:57z
Emile -

Look for a program called Wipe Gauges 2002 - it's the one I use for cleaning out gauges. It makes a backup of the removed gauges. very handy if you remove the wrong one.

Good luck,


Of All the Things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!

-= VPC OffLine Reader 1.2 =-
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Emile on 09-10-02 at 18:54z
Hi Gang,
Good news, it's solved and I think I found the reason also
In the King Air aircraft Panel.cfg, there is
// size_mm=640,344

gauge00=KingAir!Avionics Switch, 2, 300
gauge01=KingAir!AutoFeather_Switch, 34, 300
gauge02=KingAir!AntiIce_Switch, 88, 300
gauge03=KingAir!Pitot_Switch, 130, 300
gauge04=KingAir!CrossFeed_Switch, 213, 289
gauge05=KingAir!Land_Light, 310, 299"

in the original Gauge folder there is a gauge larger than all the other ones

"kingair.gau 2.509KB"

Now my interpretation : the following line
gauge00=KingAir!Avionics Switch, 2, 300
means the "Avionics Switch" to be found in the "kingair.gau" file !!

so the product to uninstal gauges does NOT find who is using the "kingair.gau" because the character string he is looking for is "kingair!Avionics Switch" as found in the panel.cfg

It seams logic to me, is it right? I will see when I receive the response from the author

Lesson learned : always get a backup BEFORE applying charges ..I can tell it was on board


"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by PeteDowson on 09-10-02 at 22:47z
Hi Emile,

> Good news, it's solved and I think I found the reason also
> In the King Air aircraft Panel.cfg, there is ...
> ... so the product to uninstal gauges does NOT find who is using the
> "kingair.gau" because the character string he is looking for is
> "kingair!Avionics Switch" as found in the panel.cfg
> It seams logic to me, is it right?

Yes, but it means the product you used was actually written for FS98 or earlier. You really need to use one specifically designed for FS2000 and later, as it was in FS2000 that these composite type gauges first appeared.

I am sure there are Gauge cleaners around which are "composite gauge file" aware, maybe even a later version of the one you used, but I cannot recommend one I'm afraid as I've not used any. I just get bigger hard disks instead! <G> (Actually it saves a lot of time, and of course time is money, is it not? <G>).

> Lesson learned : always get a backup BEFORE applying charges ..I can
> tell it was on board

There's at least one gauge cleaner that doesn't directly delete gauges, but whisks them off to another folder, and maybe even Zips them too to save space.



-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Peter L. Dowson
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Emile on 09-11-02 at 05:22z
Thanks to all of you for your support and advices

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Emile on 09-16-02 at 06:21z
Hi Vic,
Where did you find the "Wipe Gauges 2002" product?
I did search several sites without success
Thanks in advance

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by vgbaron on 09-16-02 at 15:50z

> Where did you find the "Wipe Gauges 2002" product?

Emile -

try here:


Called WipeGauges 2002.

If you have a problem, let me know.


Of all the things I've lost - I miss my mind the most

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.0 =- RC 1 ****
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Lost Gauges after cleaning "
Posted by Emile on 09-17-02 at 06:38z
Hello Vic,
Many thanks, will install this evening