Hi Emile,Are the Heli files for FS2002 and not so called revamps of FS98/2000 ones? Send me one via e-mail to james@crew.flightadventures.com and I'll try it out and see what response I get from it.
I've installed a few and not happy with their handling.
James (CONman) Anderson
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Hi Emile,>My problem ? I cannot start the engine(s)!!! when the
>flight is selected , the aircraft is selected, Sim start
>and the engine(s) seams running, I do not get the time to
>sit in the cockpit ..... the engine(s) stops ...and
>impossible to restart .
I have found a number of aircraft that have the same problem, including my FS98 Spitfire XI.
Make sure that the helicopters have at least a FS200 air file. Ones with a FS2000 air file should start reliably with the "Ctrl+E" command.
Now that my Spitfire has a FS2000 air file, the engine starting problems are gone.
Hope this helps.