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"Pro Controller ATIS"

Posted by andrewluck on 03-26-02 at 20:52z
Just getting started with ATC and I can now login and select my airport and call sign. I've not yet worked out how to enter my airport ATIS information.

Anyone with any clues?


Andrew Luck

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"RE: Pro Controller ATIS"
Posted by Madape on 03-26-02 at 23:41z
Hi Andrew

I've only messed with pro-controller a little bit, but I do know that you have to pass a series of exams to be enabled to control airports/airspaces on VATSIM, otherwise you are given an observer tag.

Sam Harvey

"RE: Pro Controller ATIS"
Posted by andrewluck on 03-27-02 at 18:25z
Hi Sam

Found it. You double click on the radar display and then select the Misc tab.

I passed the initial exam. Nothing too heavy, it's just an online test of basic knowledge, mainly about Pro Controller. As you can have the software running when you do the test ... ;-)

I got myself setup at EGNS Tower last night. Didn't get any trade though.

I'm away for Easter now so I'll give it another try when I get back.

Andrew Luck

"RE: Pro Controller ATIS"
Posted by Madape on 03-27-02 at 20:05z
Hey Andrew

>I got myself setup at EGNS Tower last night. Didn't get any trade though.

Tell me next time your controlling, and which airport and I'll try and plan I route through it :)

Congrats on controller status!

Sam Harvey