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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 331
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Original Message
"A new Private Pilot!"

Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-01-02 at 07:20z
Congratulations to Craig Kaplan for passing his Private Pilot checkride today!

Well done, Craig!


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: A new Private Pilot!"
Posted by Emile on 02-01-02 at 10:15z
Well done!!
Emile EBBR

"RE: A new Private Pilot!"
Posted by jerryrosie on 02-01-02 at 15:19z
>>Congratulations to Craig Kaplan for passing his Private Pilot checkride today!<<


many, many Congrats!! Wahoo!! :D

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: A new Private Pilot!"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-01-02 at 16:45z
>Congratulations to Craig Kaplan for passing his Private
>Pilot checkride today!
>Well done, Craig

Way to go Craig!!! :) :)


"RE: A new Private Pilot!"
Posted by craiger on 02-02-02 at 17:34z
thank you all for the congratulations. It was a long hard road but I know will be well worth it. Ben at Flight Adventures definately prepared me well. The check ride and oral almost seemed too easy.
have a great weekend,


"RE: A new Private Pilot!"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-02-02 at 18:42z
>The check ride and oral almost seemed too easy.

LOL! Well, don't say that too loudly or the DPE's might hear it! :)

Again, congrats Captain Kaplan! :)
