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"Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"

Posted by RockyJ on 01-24-02 at 03:21z
Hi all,

I've managed thru the lessons and quite a bit of flying time and have run my own flt plans, VFR and IFR. But recently I can't get the starting location nor the wind speed settings to stick in my create flight and/or create and save plans.

I think it happened when I installed fsupic. The ground wind is always 360 at 01, and the starting location at home airport is always 'active runway'.

Clearing the FSUIPC 'no gts reposition' option doesn't help. Also if I try to do too much saving in the planning window to make it stick, it will freeze the computer requiring reboot.

Second problem, I have had some (intermittant) BSOD's after long sessions. Sometime it will name my sound driver VXD or DSOUND although it is a brand new card and drivers. TurtleBeach Santa Cruz.

Will lowering the sound quality work for that.

Third, it would be nice to have more of a reference of whether I am running normal, For example am I getting normal frame rates, is there a database of settings for various setups and what to expect. So far everyting I read says only to experiment on your own. If it didn't take so long to reload the scenery settings everytime it would be a simpler task.

I get anywhere from 9-19 fps.
-Celeron 533
-intel 815E chipset with on-board video (probably 8 meg max vid ram) (don't give me a hard time here I know this ain't helping)
-TurtBeach sound card
-384 p100 ram
-17g HD with 3 free

Thanks for any direction or helpful links on this.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-24-02 at 05:39z
Greetings Rocky:

>Second problem, I have had some (intermittant) BSOD's
>after long sessions. Sometime it will name my sound
>driver VXD or DSOUND although it is a brand new card and
>drivers. TurtleBeach Santa Cruz.
>Will lowering the sound quality work for that.

The latest and greatest drivers aren't always the most stable. If your soundcard was working before, I'd have to point the finger at the drivers. One thing you might try is lowering the sound acceleration.

Sorry I can't help you with the other issues.

"RE: Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"
Posted by James on 01-24-02 at 09:47z
Hi RocyJ,

Let's take your system spec to begin with :-) Your 533 is no problem as I can runn FS2002 on a 233MMX. The 2 Major Problems I see are a. you have stated it as a 100Mhz - a touch on the low side I'm afraid, try an upgrade.

b. on board Video Card at 8Meg, this I'm afraid will have your sim running a slide show as it's way to low. I would recomend a Min of 32Meg but 64Meg is a lot better.

I'm not sure on the sound card as never used/heard of it, sorry. Try the following :- Click on Run and in the dialog box type in dxdiag and hit enter. Go to the Sound tab and adjust the slider Down a notch and exit. See if this helps any.



"RE: Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"
Posted by WScofield on 01-24-02 at 20:19z
Hi Rocky -

>I get anywhere from 9-19 fps.
>-Celeron 533
>-intel 815E chipset with on-board video (probably 8 meg
>max vid ram) (don't give me a hard time here I know this
>ain't helping)
>-TurtBeach sound card
>-384 p100 ram
>-17g HD with 3 free

This may not be too bad. I have a Celeron 433, 128 mb ram, 32 mb graphics (not recent vintage), and typically get in the mid-teens and low-20's, depending on the settings I have chosen, the views I am using, the weather parameters, etc. If I crank everything up high, and try to fly between the buildings in mid-town Manhattan, it's a joke. But up in the wild blue yonder, or practicing instrument approaches in the clouds, frame rate is not an issue. I also have a PIII 700 laptop that does surprisingly well with FS2K2 - significantly better than the Celeron 433.

Admittedly, I am far from satisfied, and am moving to upgrade to a new computer (see separate thread on this forum). But still, all in all, FS2K2 is flyable. Within limits, that is. You have to make some choices here. The measure of your enjoyment in this endeavor is, unavoidably, a function to some extent of your willingness to pay for new hardware from time to time.

You may be able to upgrade a cpu and pick up a relatively inexpensive video card, and see some real benefit.

Good luck.


"RE: Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-24-02 at 20:34z
>You may be able to upgrade a cpu and pick up a relatively
>inexpensive video card, and see some real benefit.

The only thing I can add to this is beware--most motherboards that I've seen with onboard 815E vid chips don't have a way to turn off the onboard video card completely. These onboard vid setups almost always cause some incompatibility problems with a replacement video card. You might try searching for your particular system or motherboard for problems on google or altavista.

Hope this helps!

"RE: Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"
Posted by RockyJ on 01-25-02 at 00:05z
Thx all, actually lowering the dsound accelerator is what I meant to do but not the quality, will try to change that.

I recently did a short plan with 0% traffic (usually set it to 100%) and noticed some improvement. Gets up to 20's. I notice the lowering some display settings really doesn't look too bad, but I wasn't in dense city area's either.

Ben, I'll ck on vid disable, but I'm sure my bios can do it.

James, the 100mhz ram speed shouldn't be a problem. Except for later intel's 100 and 133 are only options and I believe the PCI and frontside bus runs in 66m anyway. There's a lot more room for improvement in internal bus speeds. You may get higher chip speeds but the busses are not what they seem.

As far as testing. I think I can cut and paste my cfg file to save various settings without trying to remember them. Also, I believe I can disable scenery loads to make the testing less painless.

thanks all, I'll be posting more questions I'm sure.

"RE: Newby needs guidance with 2002 and fsupic"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-25-02 at 00:53z
>Ben, I'll ck on vid disable, but I'm sure my bios can do

Ah, but there's the rub--your bios may say it'll do it (and/or the manual will say a jumper will do it), but in actuality it doesn't completely disable your onboard video--which causes all of the headaches with a replacement video board. If you look back through older messages here, you'll find two such cases where guys found out they were simple SOL and had to get new motherboards.

>thanks all, I'll be posting more questions I'm sure.

Well, we may not know all of the answers, but we're all here to try and help eachother so you're most welcome to join us. :)
