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Thread Number: 302
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Original Message
"Sancho Memorial Rally screens shots and transcript"

Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-20-02 at 23:57z
Here are some pix from the rally from Andrew Luck.

Among the big boys at Heathrow.
Climbing out towards Midhurst.
Crossing the French coast.
Looking across towards Lac de Neuchatel on the approach to 14 at Bern.
Time to stop.

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Messages in this discussion
"Sancho Memorial Rally transcript part1"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-21-02 at 01:27z
Transcript from the chat:

Host James says:
Hi Andrew

Andrew says:
Hi James

Host James says:
Watching the guys land brb

Andrew says:
OK. I'll be back soon.

Andrew (andrew.luck@XXXXX.antelope.dialup.pol.co.uk) has left the conversation.
guest (Alan%20Pugh@XXXXX.port.shore.net) has joined the conversation.

Host James says:
Hi Alan

guest says:
Hi James, am I in?

guest says:
There was no altitude bug on rwy 32, tried for a manual landing but I was too high

Host James says:
That rwy is a bit of a pain, I touched down and 3/4 way down rwy I sank into it :-)

Anonymous (Anonymous@XXXXX.ipt.aol.com) has joined the conversation.

Host James says:
Hi Annon

guest says:
James, I'll re-fly it and use rwy 14 with the ILS

guest says:
It was neat seeing the other pilots, though,

guest says:
James, thanks for hosting the session

VGB (vgbaron@XXXXX.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) has joined the conversation.

VGB says:
Hi all

detlef (detlef@ has joined the conversation.

guest says:
Hi VGB (alan pugh here)

guest says:
Hi Detlef

detlef says:
Hi all

detlef says:
I just landed in Bern in a Learjet 45

Anonymous is now known as EdSheats.

guest says:
Ed, how did you change name?

guest says:
If you know <g>

detlef (detlef@ has left the conversation.

BenC (ask@XXXXX.tnt1.san-luis-obi.ca.da.uu.net) has joined the conversation.

BenC says:
Hi Guys!

Detlef (Detlef@ has joined the conversation.

AlanPark (AlanParkins@XXXXX.chel-5800-3.access.uk.worldonline.com) has joined the conversation.

VGB says:
Just landed Lockheed P-38 at Bern

AlanPark says:
Hello guys

Detlef says:
VGB, Congratulatins then for the landing.

Detlef says:
Hi Alan

Anonym (Anonym@XXXXX.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined the conversation.

VGB says:
Detlef - Had to fight a bumpy xwind but got er down in one piece

AlanPark says:
this is all very strange and new - dont know what Im doing!

EdSheats says:
To change names hit view, then options. Ed

Detlef says:
VGB, I had not considered how short the runway is, came with a Learjet!

Vulcan (Vulcan@XXXXX.man.ntl.com) has joined the conversation.

AlanPark says:
Hi DAve

Detlef says:
Hi Vulcan

Vulcan says:
Hi Alan, and gang

Anonym says:
Hi all. Here is Guido Ostkamp (just in case this tool doesnt display my name, I
am unfamiliar with it)

VGB says:
Detlef - I tried it in a 727 a few days ago - didnt make it <g>

VGB says:
Ciao Guido - Vic Baron here

Detlef says:
Guido, you show as Anonym

Vulcan says:
Touched down about 15 minutes ago, unable to join MP session, sorry

Detlef says:
VGB, to tell the truth, I went in the grass on the first try. But the second was ok.

Andrew (andrew.luck@XXXXX.bear.dialup.pol.co.uk) has joined the conversation.

Anonym says:
Detlef: Any idea how to change that?

Anonym says:
VGB: Hi Vic!

Andrew says:
Hi All

AlanPark says:
Hi Andrew

Vulcan says:
Cant join on voice either, RW has decided it only wants half-duplex:-(

Detlef says:
Guido, I am here the very first time. No idea, sorry.

VGB says:
GUido - go to options/settings

Detlef says:
Hi Andrew

Anonym is now known as Guido.

Guido says:
VGB: Thanks Vic!

Vulcan says:
At least the weather was kind for the memorial flight, for those who used real
weather <G>

Detlef says:
Is TD here by any chance?

VGB says:
My pleasure

Vulcan says:
>detlef, looking at the list, no

Andrew says:
Vulcan: Heathrows weather was appalling!

Andrew says:
Vulcan: Wasnt until I cleared the channel that I had a view of the ground.

Vulcan says:
Andrew>Had a bit of rain at Woodford, otherwise OK

Detlef says:
I made some pictures on the flight but have not figured out yet how to show them on the Forum.

Vulcan says:
Andrew: Oh yeh, I had cloud cover but from FL370 you dont see much anyway <G>

Andrew says:
Vulcan: Scattered at 600 and light rain. Wind at about 19knts from 210

Vulcan says:
Detlef: I guess you just use the upload forum thingy <G>

Guido is now known as Guido_Ostkamp.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
All. Have you all already landed? I am stI'll an my way from Munich.

Vulcan says:
Andrew: Didnt check the winds en-route but have saved the weather

Andrew says:
At least its nice here. I wasnt looking forward to threading my way through the mountains with no vis.

Vulcan says:
James: Youre very quite???

AlanPark says:
Guido - for the first time ever, I landed early! about 50 minutes ago

Vulcan says:
Sorry, that should have been quiet

Andrew says:
Detlef: I have some pictures as well. There was a nice sunset over the lake.

Vulcan says:
What did you all fly?

Andrew says:
Detlef: Unfortunately, by that time my aircraft was somewhat transparent on external views

Host James says:
Welcome Guys to the Sancho Memorial Flight Rally to Bern, hope you all had a great flight

Detlef says:
Andrew, I am flying FS2002 since recently and stI'll learning. But the smoke from the tires when landing is great.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Thanks James!

Vulcan says:
hi James, sorry I could not connect to MP

Host James says:
Vulcan, been observing in FS2002s FSNav all the players

Detlef says:
Hi James, I came from Heathrow in a Learjet.

EdSheats says:
Hello all, I think I,ve got this MSChat half figured out.

Andrew says:
From Heathrow in a Hawker 800.

Detlef says:
Is anybody recording this conversation?

AlanPark says:
Vulcan - I flew the Fletcher FU24 crop duster that Sancho flew in real life in New Zealand

Host James says:
I flew from Leeds Bradford in the R4D-6 DC-3

EdSheats says:
How do you do that?

Host James says:
Weather was a pain

AlanPark says:
All the way fram Barton

Andrew says:
Detlef: Use File - Save

Vulcan says:
Nice one Alan, not far from me then

AlanPark says:
Found the Low Level Corridor a bit tough though

Detlef says:
I am not using a special program and see no menu, even not my brower menu.

Host James says:
£Hrs 30 mins took 21 minutes off due to tail wind <g>

PL965Melo (PL965Melo@XXXXX.as.wcom.net) has joined the conversation.

AlanPark says:
Think I flew into Liverpools zone (oops)

VGB (vgbaron@XXXXX.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) has left the

BenC says:
Welcome Melo

Andrew says:
Detlef: OK. You get the other options from within MSChat.

Host James says:
£ = 3, oops <g>

AlanPark says:
Hi Melo

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Thanks finally found it.

Detlef says:
Andrew, right, next time I guess..

BenC says:
Try View: Options

Host James says:
Hi Melo

BenC says:
Rgr. Melo, it'll be easier next time.

Vulcan says:
Hi Melo, great to see you

Detlef says:
Hi Melo!

Host James says:
Going to shut down the MP session folks, thanks for participating.

PL965Melo says:
Hi James, Vulcan, etc <g>

Andrew says:
Hi Melo.

Vulcan says:
James, how many did you get on MP?

Host James says:

PL965Melo says:
James> Did you see my flyby

Vulcan says:
Excellent, I must try to get it sorted for next time

BenC says:
I did Melo. I had to do the circle to land. :)

Host James says:
Melo, yep, what happened when you got to the end of the rwy <s>

Host James says:
I lost you sharpish <G>

PL965Melo says:
James> took a high bounce then stalled in :-(

VGB (vgbaron@XXXXX.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) has joined the conversation.

BenC says:
wb Vic!

VGB says:
Got dropped - oh well

Vulcan says:
Ben, thanks for the reply to my 2 PCs Q, didnt help tho <VBG>

AlanPark says:
Melo - I can stI'll end a Spit flight that way, too!

EdSheats is away: Getting a Beer.

BenC says:
Vulcan, you might check the FAQ about opening router ports of FS MP.

Detlef says:
Guys, let me give you regards from Mrs. Dora Maeder. She thanked me for passing on all the thoughts and wishes. And especially mentioned TDs mail to her.

PL965Melo says:
Alan> I do much better in a Spit. THis Super Connie was tough on that short runway.

Vulcan says:
Ben, wI'll do, to be honest I dont know how SB does it, just know it does <G>

PL965Melo says:
Detlef> Thanks a lot for passing on our notes to her.

BenC says:
Thanks, Detlef.

Host James says:
WI'll have to check my Network settings as one of my networks kept dropping out

EdSheats has returned.

Vulcan says:
Detlef,thanks for that, glad TD mailed her, he must be the most suitable one from us all

BenC says:
I didnt know Sancho as well as you guys (only met him online once), but I would think that hed be tickled that we all met here today like this.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Guys, runway in sight, be back in a few minutes

AlanPark says:
Anyone (James) know if End-it-all disconnects a PC from a local network?

BenC says:
rgr Guido.

Vulcan says:
Safe landing Guido

Detlef says:
Vulcan, TD really has a hand with words and writing. Mrs. Maeder wrote, that she wI'll pass the letters to her daughters.

VGB says:
Alan - NO enditall doesnt touch network connections

BenC says:
Alan: It shouldnt.

PL965Melo says:
Kit Spackman and I did a practice flyby yesterday in honor of Sancho. We were going to do it here today, but Kits PC went south last night. :-(

Vulcan says:
Detlef, sure agree with that, Sancho wI'll live on through TD

Detlef says:
Ben, I agree and think Sancho would like us doing this flight and conference.

AlanPark says:
VGB - thats what I thought, but I lost mine after firing up FS

Vulcan says:
Melo, bad news that, read his forum msg

Andrew says:
How about raising our glasses in a toast?

Host James says:
Alan, Im not sure but it shouldnt

Vulcan says:
Andrew, good idea

VGB says:
I'll drink to that

Andrew says:
To an absent friend.

PL965Melo says:
Holdingup a mug of root beer "To Sancho, hear hear!!!

BenC says:
Clear skies, Sancho

VGB says:
Hear Hear!! To Sancho

EdSheats says:
To Sancho

Vulcan says:
To an absent friend, <chink>

Detlef says:
Andrew, right. Cheers and may Sancho be in clear skies. Cheers!

AlanPark says:

Host James says:
To an absent friend

Host James says:
BRB guys, coffee time

PL965Melo says:
My manager at work had a great uncle who taught the Air Force One pilots to fly the Super Constellation. THey are probably chatting about it now.

BenC says:
Where did everyone start their flights from today?

Detlef says:
All, my wife is waiting for our dinner. So good buy and see you again

VGB says:
I started in Genoa Ben

Andrew says:

AlanPark says:
Bye Detlef

VGB says:
Goodbye Detlef

Andrew says:
Bye Detlef.

BenC says:
Rgr, Detlef. Thanks for coming.

Detlef says:
Bye now.

PL965Melo says:
Bye Detlef.

Vulcan says:
Bye Detlef, see u soon

Detlef (Detlef@ has left the conversation.

Vulcan says:
Started from the brith palce of my a/c, Woodford EGCD

Vulcan says:
Bye ED

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Ok, landed safely and parked at the tower.

Andrew says:
Cheers Ed

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Bye Ed

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Started in Burbank, CA in a Super Constellation G, first stop Albequerque in honor of Sanchos ballooning, then New York JFK, then Shannon Ireland, then Geneva Switzerland, then here.

Vulcan says:
Guido>Mind that great hulk of metal parked there <G>

AlanPark says:
Bye Ed

EdSheats (Anonymous@XXXXX.ipt.aol.com) has left the conversation.

PL965Melo says:
Bye Ed

Vulcan says:
No fork lift racing this time I see <G>

BenC says:
Melo, I think you flew the furthest. Very appropriate route it sounds like.

BenC says:
Randy just touched down.

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Flew a few nights this week and all weekend to get here.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Vulcan: Sure <g>

Host James says:

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Made my first ever successful visual night landing at Shannon on this trip.

AlanPark says:
Melo how far is Albuquerque from you?

BenC says:
I saw that someone had a problem with RW?

PL965Melo says:
Alan> It was about a 2.5 hour flight in the Super Connie.

BenC says:
Melo, congrats! Practice makes perfect! :)

greenie1 (greenie@XXXXX.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined the conversation.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
James: Before I forget to say it: Thanks for making this the Sancho memorial rally. I did not know him very well, but enjoyed his flight reports as others. May he rest in peace.

Randy_H (Randy_H@XXXXX.vz.dsl.gtei.net) has joined the conversation.

VGB says:
Hi Greenie!

BenC says:
Hi Mike!

BenC says:
Hi Randy!

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Hi Greenie!

PL965Melo says:
Ben> I tried RW, but it would not connect

Host James says:
Thanks Guido

Vulcan says:
Hi Greenie

greenie1 says:
Hey gang! Sorry Im late.

Randy_H says:
I finally made it. Good day everyone

Host James says:
Hi O Green thing <LOL>

PL965Melo says:
Guido> And may all his flights be smooth ones.

RobertVA (Robert_Crus@XXXXX.098.popsite.net) has joined the conversation.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Hi Robert!

RobertVA says:

BenC says:
Melo: What error were you getting?

VGB says:
Hi Robert

PL965Melo says:
Hi Greenie, hi Randy

Andrew says:
Hi Robert

greenie1 says:
Hiya Melo!

BenC says:
Greenie, you just missed Ed Sheats and Detlef

VGB says:
Just sent a new version to Greenie - waiting for report

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Unable to connect to channel "IP address"

Host James says:
The next Flight Rally wI'll be posted Next week end. I'll be doing another MP Session for it to.

AlanPark (AlanParkins@XXXXX.chel-5800-3.access.uk.worldonline.com) has left the conversation.

AndyC (andor@ has joined the conversation.

greenie1 says:
Vic> What if theres nothing bad to say?? <g>

Host James says:
Hi Andy

BenC says:
Did you try connecting from VoiceCOM or manually entering it yourself?

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Manually entered, how do I do VoiceCOM?

VGB says:
Greenie> Then say someting nice <G>

greenie1 says:

BenC says:
Click on VoiceCOM or the tranceiver on the couch in the main VPC page.

PL965Melo says:
James> Great, I wI'll watch for it.

AndyC says:
G,day All... Wow quite a showing... connected through chat Launch Ben

PL965Melo says:
Ben> So it can't be turned on from inside FS2002?

guest (Alan%20Pugh@XXXXX.port.shore.net) has left the conversation.

PL965Melo says:

Bye Andy C

BenC says:
Melo, correct. It has nothing to do with FS2K2. Its a stand alone voice communications application.

AndyC says:
G,day Melo thx.

Andrew is away: Gone for a refI'll.

Vulcan says:
Ben: does this con work on both voice and text?

BenC says:
Melo, Andy is from Ozzieland. They say Gday and it means hello and good bye. :)

AndyC says:
And all sorts of other things as well Ben :)

BenC says:
Vulcan, text only, which is why we use RW for voice. So yes, we communicate in text and voice here.

Vulcan says:
Ben, gotcha

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Ok that was the problem then. What is the sequence? Connect FS2K2 Multiplayer then enter VPC and start VoiceCOM?

BenC says:
Rgr. Andy. LOL

PL965Melo says:
Sorry Andy, welcome Mate!

Randy_H says:
You can start Roger wilco at any time Melo

Host James says:
Melo, you can start VC prior to FS

BenC says:
Melo, you can enter VoiceCOM at any time. They're not dependant.

PL965Melo says:
OK so next time start Voice com then FS2K2 MP

BenC says:
Melo, click on the 122.95 UNICOM button.

BenC says:
Melo, thatll work.

BenC says:
Did anyone ever meet Sancho in person?

PL965Melo says:
Ben> that button is in the VPC pilot lounge, right.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Greenie: Is there any date when the file library section wI'll go live?

BenC says:
Melo, click VoiceCOM, then youll see the 122.95 UNICOM button in the VoiceCOM window.

BenC says:
Guido, I can answer that. Our new server (dual processor) should be online by the end of the month.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Ben: So it depends on hardware. I thought was a design issue. I have been asking Tom for a place to upload the tool per FTP so I could update it without your help, but got no definite response yet.

Andrew has returned.

BenC says:
Rgr, sorry about that. Toms grandmom is in a bad way so hes been tending to her lately.

greenie1 says:
Guido> What Ben said. Once that server is up, well work on the logistics of uploading and downloading, to make it as seemless as possible..

AndyC says:
Neg Ben... sadly didn,t even get to fly with him

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Thanks, I just tried the UNICOM and it worked.

BenC says:
Rgr, Andy. You were away for Christmas holiday.

BenC says:
Now we have to get Guido on VoiceCOM.

AndyC says:
Affirmative Ben


"Sancho Memorial Rally transcript part 2"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-21-02 at 01:29z
Chat Transcript Part 2

AlanPark (AlanParkins@XXXXX.chel-5800-3.access.uk.worldonline.com) has joined the conversation.

BenC says:
WB Alan!

AlanPark says:
Ben thats quick of you!

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Greenie: Ok, then. By the way: On what version are you currently (I mean the Perl stuff, not the GUI)?

Host James says:
WB Alan

greenie1 says:
Guido, the OLR is looking GREAT! You guys have done a fantastic job. There are 2 private forums (at the VPC) that I need access to via the OLR

AndyC says:
G,day Alan

BenC says:
Alan, been waiting for your return! :)

greenie1 says:
dang wrong button! <g>

AlanPark says:
Dont know what happened - the chat window just disapppeared

VGB says:

PL965Melo says:
I never flew with Sancho but he called me the last weekend of November and we had a very nice chat.

BenC says:
Alan, how are you accessing this chat?

BenC says:
Melo, OK. I was going to ask if anyone ever spoke to him on the phone or net.

VGB says:
Guido - I sent Mike 1.52 so wed be on the same page

greenie1 says:
I can't tell you guys enough how great its looking!

BenC says:
Greenie, ditto that! OLR looks like its almost ready for prime time! :)

PL965Melo says:
Ben> It was a great suprise to get the call. Never guessed it would be the last one. :-(

VGB says:
Guido deos all the hard stuff - I make it pretty <G>

AndyC says:
How about a location check Ben.. ie self Aus. YSSY

BenC says:
Melo, rgr that. We never know those kinds of things.

AlanPark says:
Ben - FlightAdventures webchat

BenC says:
Alan, well, theres your problem! :)

greenie1 says:
Ben> Im using it *exclusively* to read the forum now. The only time I log on is to reply or see whats happening in the back room. Its *that* good!

VGB says:
Andy> VGB - KLAX

BenC says:
You should d/l and use a IRC client like MSChat. Its much more stable.

BenC says:
Java apps are very touchy.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Vic: Ok.

AlanPark says:
Ben - its DL ing at this moment!

BenC says:
Greenie, I hope that the guys that got left behind at CiS will use it.

AlanPark says:
85% so far

BenC says:
Rgr, Alan.

Vulcan says:
Ben: scuse me, Im using Web chat without a problem...so far <G>

BenC says:
Vulan, dont say it too loudly! :)

AlanPark says:
Dave - 1st time and it bombed on me!

Vulcan says:
Ben: He, he

PL965Melo says:
Guys, just wanted to say Hello for Kit Spackman because he probably wont make it because his PC got messed up. He flew a Lockheed Starliner and we did a memorial flyby over Bern yesterday together in Sanchos Honor.

Vulcan says:
Alan> Its the only way I know how, at the moment

BenC says:
It works for the most part, but MSChat is rock solid.

greenie1 says:
Ben> I dont see why they wouldn't. It'll do exactly what they (and I <g>) want!

AlanPark says:
Dave - and I thought you were the expert at this online stuff!

BenC says:

greenie, rgr. Its what they asked for...

Host James says:
Melo, just reading Kits post, he seems a bit peaved off to say the least :-)

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Greenie, Ben: I have already implemented the sending / replying for testing in my version. Will send it out to Vic this week.

Andrew says:
Andy, UK - EGSH (Norwich).

RobertVA is away: afk

VGB says:
James - youre being kind<G>

Vulcan says:
Alan> LOL yeh, but I was comfortable at CSi cos Id been there a while <VBG>

PL965Melo says:
James> Yes, everthing was working great yesterday. We had a fantastic MP session.

Andrew says:
Vulcan, Likewise. Been there for years.

Vulcan says:
Andy> UK, EGCC Manchester

greenie1 says:
Guido> Thats fantastic!

BenC says:
Guido, great! You know, Gunner and I were thinking that the OLR should pick up board announcements too. Dont want to hold up the first release for this feature, but announcements are very important for community building.

PL965Melo says:
Andy> Glendale, CA (KBUR)

BenC says:
Andy, San Luis Obispo, CA (KSBP)

Vulcan says:
Melo> Hope to out your way (virtually) on 27th, IF I can get RW to work correctly

BenC says:
Vulcan, whats the problem with RW?

RobertVA has returned.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Ben: Hm, why not posting announcements as messages in the forum?

Host James says:
Greenie, you got RW up and running?

PL965Melo says:
Vulcan> Let me know when and I can join up with you.

AlanPark says:
Andy Manchester Uk

Vulcan says:
Ben> for some reason it has started going in receive mode only even tho it used to work OK

BenC says:
Guido, we're currently doing that, but having a big announcment would make it unavoidable. Otherwise people can skip over them if they arent careful.

Host James says:
ANdy, Leeds Bradford (EGNM)

BenC says:
Vulcan, you probably need to reboot.

greenie1 says:
James> not right now.

BenC says:
It happens sometimes.

Vulcan says:
Ben> I think it just the boot bit <G>

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Ben: Will there be only one announcement which is regularly updated?

Host James says:
Greenie, rgr

BenC says:
Guido, theres a link right above the main message table that has the announcements.

PL965Melo says:
James> Is someone recording this and how do we get a copy later?

greenie1 says:
Andy> San Jose, California

Host James says:
Melo, yes I am and I'll get a copy uploaded later today hopefully

Vulcan says:
Ben>I will try reinstalling the sound card and RW see if that cures it. Typical of PCs, AFAIK nothing has changed to cause this RW fault

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Ben: Do you mean the Sancho Memorial flight rally TODAY?

BenC says:
Vulcan, just try the reboot first.

BenC says:
Guido, correct.

PL965Melo says:
James> Thanks a lot!

RobertVA says:
Melo: I was late getting into chat room, but got a couple of screenshots in Fs

BenC says:
Well be changing it regularly now.

BenC says:
Robert, pls send me the screens and I'll post.

Vulcan says:
Ben> Today is not the first time it has happened so there have been numerous reboots inbetween

PL965Melo says:
Robert> I took some screen shots of my flyby of the airfield too.

BenC says:
Vulcan, if that doesnt work, try looking at the hardware listings at www.rogerwilco.com. You might have a soundcard that wont do full duplex.

BenC says:
If it says you can, you might need new drivers.

BenC says:
Melo, please send me your screens too.

Vulcan says:
Ben> But it has worked in the past, sound card not changed since then..go figure???

AlanPark says:
Vulcan, as you say, thats PCs for you

Andrew says:
Ben> Ive got some shots as well. What format do you want them in?

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Ben: It seems that leads to a page which includes all announcements, not only the one the link is for. I'll think about it.

BenC says:
Vulcan, Ive seen that once in a while--some other app would conflict with RW. A reboot usually solves it.

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Where do I send them? And can I send screen shots of Kit and my flight yesterday too?

Vulcan says:
Alan> Don't U just love em<G>

BenC says:
Guido, rgr. Thanks!

BenC says:
Melo, sure. ben@flightadventures.com

AlanPark says:

RobertVA says:
Ben: they are at 1024 X 768, should I resize smaller (might make tags hard to read)

Host James says:
Vulcan, have you tried to re configure RW?

PL965Melo says:
Ben> What format?

BenC says:
Andrew, Melo, jpg is fine.

Andrew says:

BenC says:
Or if bmp, please zip them.

BenC says:
pcx zip too, pls.

Vulcan says:
Ben> I am running ZoneAlarm but have given permission for RW to connect, and I think have server rights. Cant remember if I had ZA installed when RW did work tho.

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Ok, wI'll do later.

BenC says:
Could be that too. Vic knows more. Vic?

VGB says:
Vulcan - I run ZA also and have no problem

Vulcan says:

James> tried all sorts with. I had meant to try via VATSIM earlier in the week but did not get chance

RobertVA says:
I fudged a little and set time for daylight instead of real time, which would have been after dark.

VGB says:
Me too Robert

PL965Melo says:
Vulcan> I use Zone Alarm and everything worked ok but RW, but now I know how to do RW correctly too.

Andrew says:
RW just opens a single tcp connection on port 3782.

Host James says:
Robert, shame on you :-)

BenC says:
Thats fine, Robert. Thats what I did. More to see in daylight.

Vulcan says:
Vic> Thanks for that, I didnt think it was that. Will do a strip down of card and RW and reinstall see if that works

Andrew says:
I'm off now. See you all again soon.

PL965Melo says:
James> Thanks for hosting the MP session. It worked perfectly! :-)

Vulcan says:
Robert> I set time to daylight also, mainly to get screen shots as well as to see where i was going <G>

AndyC says:
Whew... thought I was the only one who set virtual weather!!! :0

VGB says:
See you Andrew

PL965Melo says:
Bye Andrew, good flights.

BenC says:
See ya, Andrew.

Vulcan says:
Bye Andrew

greenie1 says:
Bye Andrew

AlanPark says:
Bye Andrew

AndyC says:
G,day Andrew

RobertVA says:
I did set overcast though

Host James says:
Nite Andrew

Randy_H says:
Bye Andrew

RobertVA says:
Bye Andrew

Andrew (andrew.luck@XXXXX.bear.dialup.pol.co.uk) has left the conversation.

Host James says:
Melo, my pleasure

PL965Melo says:
Robert> I used real weather via FS Meteo, but set to daylight.

VGB says:
I d/l real weather and it was ok

VGB says:
Had a strong xwind on rwy 32 tho

RobertVA says:
So even if time is is different, I have overcast and temp near forcast from last night

PL965Melo says:
VGB> Some scattered clouds but easy to find the airport.

VGB says:
Melo> rgr

greenie1 is away: Phone call....

BenC says:

BenC is away: the autopilot has been engaged.

Vulcan (Vulcan@XXXXX.man.ntl.com) has left the conversation.

AlanPark says:
Its about time for me to shut down - whats the procedure for submitting rally write-ups here?

greenie1 has returned.

PL965Melo says:
Alan> That was my next question too. <g>

Vulcan (Vulcan@XXXXX.man.ntl.com) has joined the conversation.

greenie1 says:
Alan> For now just post them as a message in the forum, but save it. Once the lib is
live, then we can upload.

RobertVA says:
I emailed Wagstaff chat to ben as RTF

AlanPark says:
Roger, Greenie

PL965Melo says:
Welcome back Vulcan

Vulcan says:
Ben> Youll be pleased to know that Web chat just died on me <G>

AlanPark says:
Spoke too soon, eh?

greenie1 says:

RobertVA says:
It does that sometimes

Vulcan says:
Alan> Sure did <G>

Vulcan says:
I'll d/l MSChat for next time

PL965Melo says:
Vulcan> My Compuserve just tried to disconnect because of too much idle time??

greenie1 says:
MS Chat works great.

Host James says:
Alan, don't know if upload is working so just e-mail them to Ben@flightadventures.com

AlanPark says:
Well folks, thats all for now, goodbye til next time

PL965Melo says:
Bye Alan

Randy_H says:
MSChat should be on Windows CD

AndyC says:
Gottago guys... A moment of thought for Sancho... who brought this all about and Thx to James. Great Rally G,day Sancho.

Guido_Ostkamp says:
Guys, its already late here (22h). I have to leave. Have a nice Sunday! Guido, hailing from Munich ...

VGB says:
Bye Alan

RobertVA says:
Melo: the major ISPs tend to do that

Host James says:
Nite Alan, thanks for joining us

Vulcan says:
Melo> surprised that CSi did that.

Vulcan says:
Bye Alan

VGB says:
Ciao Guido!

Randy_H says:
Bye Andy

PL965Melo says:
Bye Guido

greenie1 says:
Andy> Amen!

RobertVA says:
goodby guido

AlanPark (AlanParkins@XXXXX.chel-5800-3.access.uk.worldonline.com) has left the conversation.

BenC has returned.

greenie1 says:
Bye Guido! Talk to ya this week.

PL965Melo says:
Bye Andy, Sancho wI'll be truly missed.

Vulcan says:
Bye Andy and Guido

Guido_Ostkamp (Anonym@XXXXX.dip.t-dialin.net) has left the conversation.

AndyC (andor@ has left the conversation.

Host James says:
Bye Andy & Guido

PL965Melo says:
Vulcan> And it only gives me 60 seconds to stop the disconnect.

VGB says:
Mike - How was the time to load the messages in VPCOLR?

greenie1 says:
Melo, is Pacbell DSL available to you yet?

RobertVA says:
MSN tends to do that to, only monitors thread that opened connection

Vulcan (Vulcan@XXXXX.man.ntl.com) has left the conversation.

RobertVA says:
but MSN only gives 30 seconds

greenie1 says:
Vic> Very fast. Of course it depends on the number of messages. The last pass was less than a second.

PL965Melo says:
Greenie> Probably but that would double our online bI'll, sticking with modem for now.

BenC says:
OK, I better roll. Great job, guys. Thanks! God bless you, Sancho.

VGB says:
Mike> OK - it takes a while if you load ALL the messages

PL965Melo says:
Ben> Thanks, see you later.

RobertVA says:
Don't forget to factor in cost if you use second line for dialup

Host James says:
Nite Ben, thanks for joining us

BenC (ask@XXXXX.tnt1.san-luis-obi.ca.da.uu.net) has left the conversation.

greenie1 says:
Melo> True, but do you have one phoneline or two? If you have two, you can bag one, and get the DSL. Thats what I did and it was a wash.

RobertVA says:
Echo in here!

PL965Melo says:
Greenie> We have just one line.

greenie1 says:
Melo> Rgr.

VGB says:
Melo> do you go online when away from home?

greenie1 says:
Of course doubling the online bill isn't like doubling the rnet or mortgage bill ;-)

greenie1 says:

PL965Melo (PL965Melo@XXXXX.as.wcom.net) has left the conversation.

VGB says:
OhOh - I think CIS just bit Melo<G>

Host James says:
He he

VGB says:
Sure glad I dumped them and went DSL

Host James says:
I realy dig the FSNav MP connection

Randy_H says:
Theres no going back once you get a broadband connection

RobertVA says:
I used to use an alternate DUN connection to prevent that, but when MSN updated their software it quit working

PL965Melo (PL965Melo@XXXXX.as.wcom.net) has joined the conversation.

VGB says:
wb Melo

Host James says:
WB Melo

RobertVA says:
idle timer get you?

PL965Melo says:
Just got dumped, everything froze. Not the idle timer.

VGB says:
I got PacBell DSL and love it. And I got unlimited dialup for when I'm away from home. Cant beat it and the cost is about what I was spending with modem.

RobertVA says:
Ah, fine M$ software!

PL965Melo says:
Greenie> As I was saying I have one phone line.

VGB says:
Bye Guys - gotta run!

greenie1 says:
Melo> Rgr that.

RobertVA says:
Goodnight vic

Host James says:
Nite Vic

greenie1 says:
See ya Vic!

Randy_H says:
Bye Vic

PL965Melo says:
VGB> See you later.

VGB (vgbaron@XXXXX.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) has left the conversation.

Randy_H says:
How ya been Greenie

greenie1 says:
As Vic said, the DSL with the unlimited dial-up is a great combo. A while back, my DSL went down for almost a week, but I was able to dial-up.

PL965Melo says:
Well guys I gotta go too. And I know that Kit sends his Best to Sancho and wishes him a fond farewell too.

RobertVA says:
Goodnight Melo

greenie1 says:
Randy> Great! Been trying to help things get organized in our new home here. I must say its shaping up nicely. Once we get the OLR out for beta testing, well be in great shape.

PL965Melo says:
Greenie> Where do I go to check out PacBell DSL?

Host James says:
GNite Melo and thanks for joining us, give Kit our best and tell him we hope he is sorted soon

greenie1 says:
melo> www.pacbell.net should get you close to the right spot.

PL965Melo says:
Greenie> Thanks will do.

greenie1 says:
Have a great afternoon Melo!

"RE: Sancho Memorial Rally screens shots and transcript"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-15-02 at 03:51z
> Here are some pix from the rally from Andrew Luck.
> Among the big boys at Heathrow.
> Climbing out towards Midhurst.
> Crossing the French coast.
> Looking across towards Lac de Neuchatel on the approach to 14 at Bern.
> Time to stop.

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