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"Sunday Con"

Posted by James on 01-06-02 at 12:24z
Hi Guy's,

Well the time has come to re start the good old Sunday TransPonderCon :-)

This will be held in the Pilots Lounge today, Sunday 6th January 2002 @ 21:00GMT 16:00ET 13:00PT (?) West Coast?! and for my mate JM 12:00 Alaska time :-)

Hope you'll all pop in and say Hi....


Keeper of the Keys to the Lounge :-)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by jerryrosie on 01-06-02 at 15:34z
>>This will be held in the Pilots Lounge today, Sunday 6th January 2002 @ 21:00GMT 16:00ET 13:00PT (?) West Coast?! and for my mate JM 12:00 Alaska time <<

The last day of American Football season?? Your turnout may be better a week from now :D

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by James on 01-06-02 at 17:08z
Hi Jerry,

Understood, but keeping up tradition my friend :-)



"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Tom Hayward on 01-06-02 at 16:52z
Thanks James!

Thomas S. Hayward

"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-06-02 at 22:47z
>This will be held in the Pilots Lounge today, Sunday 6th
>January 2002 @ 21:00GMT 16:00ET 13:00PT (?) West Coast?!
>and for my mate JM 12:00 Alaska time :-)

Sorry I mised the chat. I had an interesting morning--was with an student on an IFR training flight. We just took off and reduced power (a 182) and the engine decides to start shaking the rivits loose. At normal climb power we were unable to climb. We called the tower and made a "precautionary" landing. The fire trucks et al were out to meet us upon touchdown. An uneventful landing, but our thanks go out to SBP tower and fire and rescue for their alertness and assitance.


"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by James on 01-06-02 at 23:24z
Hi Ben,

Glad you both got down in one piece though..



"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Gunner on 01-07-02 at 00:20z
>> We just took off and reduced power (a 182) and the engine decides to start shaking the rivits loose <<

Had the exact same thing happen almost 20 years ago... the same day I got the call that I was moving over to 3M's Aviation Safety Systems Project. Was with an instrument student in her C-172 departing Wilmington NC with an 800 foot ceiling. Just entering the clouds the engine went bad rough. First thought I had was... the sewerage treatment plant was just off the end of the runway at 12 o'clock, 2nd thought was carb ice. Carb heat didn't help, declared an emergency and landed, more or less, uneventfully on the runway about 90^ to the departure runway. Turned out the engine had swallowed a valve. To this day I remember my version of the "Alan Shepard prayer".. this time it was "Dear Lord, please not in the ****" I figgered nobody would come get us if we landed in the sewerage treatment plant!

Glad your was "uneventful" too! Except for maybe having to clean the seats?

-= Gunner =-

"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-07-02 at 02:57z
>Glad your was "uneventful" too! Except for maybe having to
>clean the seats?

Ah, the smell of fear. :)

This wasn't wasn't one of those moments. A 182 on 5 cylinders is as good as a 152 on all 4! :)

Now the time I was giving an IFR checkout in actual and experienced an altimeter failure was a LOT more exciting.


"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Gunner on 01-07-02 at 03:10z

>This wasn't wasn't one of those moments. A 182 on 5
>cylinders is as good as a 152 on all 4! :)

Roger, the 182 is, and always has been, a "hoss".

>Now the time I was giving an IFR checkout in actual and
>experienced an altimeter failure was a LOT more exciting.

Ouch! Now *that* would get most anybody's attention. Total static system failure or problem with the altimeter? I gotta ask, what did ya do? Friendly controller and a Mode C transponder? Where were ya? Besides "Up thar somewhere" I mean.

Have Fun! <tm>
-= Gunner =-

"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-07-02 at 04:18z
>Total static system failure or problem with the altimeter?

Bad altimeter. Twisting the knob would break it loose for a second or two, but it'd stick again. The big problem with that is we could never tell when it was sticking. It gave partial panel a whole new meaning for me. Pitch + power = performance training saved the day.

> I gotta ask, what did ya do? Friendly controller and a
>Mode C transponder?

At SBP, we don't get radar below 2,000' due to the terrain. Fortunately ceiling was about 900' and I noticed the problem right after takeoff. We just stuck it in a shallow spiral and popped out and headed back VFR (although conditions were IMC. No crash trucks that time tho.


"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by James on 01-09-02 at 17:24z
Ah, the smell of fear. :-)

It's OK if you get the chance to smell it :-) In 84 I was on Exercise in Canada 12 months after qualifying as a Cab in the Sky man flying Gazelle's. Flying at 20ft coming up a re entrant onto a reverse slope I brought the cab to a hover, popped its head up a touch for the observer to sight up and take some photo's, woke up 3 day's later in Hospital.

Apparently we got hit by a stray wire guided anti tank missile which took out the rotar blade, shaft and gearbox and bowled us for six back down the hill. Never stopped shakin for a fortnight after hearing that and still bring's back the shakes when I think about it. Spent 6 weeks in a field hospital and a further 14 months in hospital back in the UK before I could run around like a headless chicken again.

Took me till last year to get back into a Heli again and another 3 flights to stop the hands and leg's shakin :-)

The Observer came off worse than I did unfortunately but at least he's still with us.

Regards and Happy and uneventfull flying to you all,


"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by Gunner on 01-10-02 at 04:53z
>Ah, the smell of fear. :-)

What *have* I told you about them fling-wings? Sheesh, ya buy 'em books and send 'em to school... <g>

-= Gunner =-
Who prefers wings to remain stationary WRT the rest of the aircraft and be attached with multitle stove bolts!

"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by James on 01-10-02 at 17:01z
Hi Gun's,

>> -= Gunner =-
Who prefers wings to remain stationary WRT the rest of the aircraft and be attached with multitle stove bolts! <<

ROFLOL.......... :-)



"RE: Sunday Con"
Posted by WScofield on 01-09-02 at 20:21z

>To this day I remember my version of the "Alan Shepard
>prayer".. this time it was "Dear Lord, please not in the

Yo, Gunner! Ya got me laughing on that one. I guess 'cuz it's so true, and everybody's been there, one way or another, at some time!

