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"Virtual memory"

Posted by trutta8 on 12-14-01 at 02:35z
For best results in FS2000 or FS2002....should I let windows manage my swap file or should I enter special memory parameters? I have a 1 gig Athlon system and 512mb of memory. I would appreciate advice on how some of you fellows handle it. I think I am experiencing lockups as I now let windows handle it. Thank you for any help you may provide.

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"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by Madape on 12-14-01 at 09:30z
Hi Trutta,

A general rule for setting virtual memory, is to take your overall RAM then double it, so in your case you have 512Mb Physical memory, so I would set your page file to just over a gig for the best performance (make sure you have enough Hard Disk Space though!)


"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by jonahbird on 12-15-01 at 05:19z
Please let us know, under this topic, if Madape's recommendation cures your lockups.

So far, I've made a big improvement by having some recently installed RAM replaced by the supplier, but I am still getting lockups occasionally. Although I used to 'double it and fix' virtual memory I haven't tried it yet with FS2002 especially as the formula means setting the swap file at 1GB.

BTW Pete Dowson's AutoSave is brilliant for getting back to where you were before the lockup.


"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by vgbaron on 12-15-01 at 16:48z
Frank -

FWIW, I used to have constant lockups with fs2k2. F rom various sources I determined three possible areas of change - Virtual memory, sound and video drivers.

Reset my vm as in prior post, switched video drivers and set my sound acceleration down a click.

I had set up Pete's autosave and had a situation that froze me up every time - after I made the changes - no lockups.


"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by jonahbird on 12-15-01 at 23:02z

That's very interesting.I've been up hill and down dale with graphics drivers but I hadn't thought that a sound adjustment would have any effect. What do you mean by "set my sound acceleration down a click"?


"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by vgbaron on 12-16-01 at 00:22z
>That's very interesting.I've been up hill and down dale
>with graphics drivers but I hadn't thought that a sound
>adjustment would have any effect. What do you mean by
>"set my sound acceleration down a click"?


Select the sound tab. Under hardware acceleration, try moving the slider down one notch.



"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by jonahbird on 12-16-01 at 10:35z
Thanks Vic. Never thought of going there.


"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by vgbaron on 12-16-01 at 19:39z
>Thanks Vic. Never thought of going there.

Glad to be of help. :)


"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by trutta8 on 12-16-01 at 15:04z
Hi Frank:
Thank you for your advice. So far I have not changed my virtual memory but I turned the sound dowm via dxdiag as suggested by another member and it seems to be keeping me away from lockups.

"RE: Virtual memory"
Posted by jonahbird on 12-16-01 at 18:48z
Hi Phil

Yeah! I've just had that tip too. Trying it now , fingers crossed. I would never have thought to make that adjustment. Defies logic somehow.
