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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 154
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"Hi, just looking around."

Posted by jimh on 11-08-01 at 19:54z
Hi Everyone,

I like the new place. Moving around is pretty slick. Just wanted to say hello.

Can someone explain how to type Emotion Icon shortcuts? I know I'm pretty thick, so for now I've got to stick to the old Cis <sg>

Best wishes to all, Jim H.

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"RE: Hi, just looking around."
Posted by Ben Chiu on 11-08-01 at 20:19z

Hi Jim:

>>Can someone explain how to type Emotion Icon shortcuts?<<

You just type them in and the system converts them to the graphics. The "shortcuts" are listed from a link in the upper left corner of a reply window (I'm pretty sure they're listed when you compose a message as well, but will have to double-check that.)

In any case, here's the link to the Emoticons that are supported:


Welcome to the VPC!

"RE: Hi, just looking around."
Posted by jimh on 11-09-01 at 18:42z
Hi Ben,

>>You just type them in.<<

I must be doing (or not doing)something stupid!

When I type in :D, I get :D

When I type in :-), that's exactly what I get!

Cheers, Jim H.

PS :-(( <g>

"RE: Hi, just looking around."
Posted by jimh on 11-09-01 at 18:46z
Hi Ben,

NOW I know!!!

Just seen my own reply to you. It converts them, AFTER you post your message. Very clever, and neat!

I did say I was thick. :D

"RE: Hi, just looking around."
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 11-09-01 at 18:58z
Hi Jim,

>>It converts them, AFTER you post your message<<

Yup, and if you want to see how it looks before you actually post, click the "preview" button below the message window. ;-)

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

"RE: Hi, just looking around."
Posted by Ben Chiu on 11-09-01 at 19:23z
Greetings Jim:

>>Very clever, and neat!<<


>>I did say I was thick.<<

This message board software has some really slick features. It's quite different from what CiS guys are used to, but fortunately the learning curve isn't very big and I think with a little patience, everyone may come to appreciate how far message boards have advanced.

Thanks for sticking with it!
