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Thread Number: 108
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Posted by andor on 10-03-01 at 15:35z
Observations re flying as Obs. last Sat.
After some difficulty in engaging Obs mode with "host" pilot, everything went well, my observations are so:-

My instrument panel was that of the 182S, the only instruments functioning were the DG and Altimeter, did we have the same "third party aircraft" panels ?

I was in slew mode throughout the session, did not wish to disengage slew in case of losing Obs mode. ?

Voice Com was excellent 5X5 throughout.

Scenery - I assume it is what my aircraft depicts and not what the pilots aircraft "sees" ?

Scenery was "jerky" at certain phases.. ie banking.. Could not bring the frame counter up. To do with game Latency ?

On downwind leg when abeam of the tower I THINK the term used was "Call the Numbers ? " If correct what does the term refer to ?.

Cannot find any instruction on this but can the circuit be "enlarged" ie lengthen the downwind leg (especially in wind conditions) to give more time on final to calculate leeway and adjust for same. Or is the circuit strictly calculated and controlled for those conditions.. I personally line up 20 miles out in CALM conditions :)

Just prior to and during threshold a "ghost" appears from behind the Instr. panel, for all the world like the "horns" of a flight yoke ?.

Finally I shall consider I have arrived when I can "hover" the 182S some 10 feet over the threshold... Eh Ben! :)
Many thanks,

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"RE: Observor"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 10-03-01 at 19:44z

Greetings Andy:

I'll address these one by one:

>My instrument panel was that of the 182S, the only instruments functioning were the DG and Altimeter, did we have the same "third party aircraft" panels ?

I was flying a FlightAdventures 172SP, so what you were seeing (e.g. the 182) was FS's best approximation of what I was flying since you don't have that installed on your system. The disabled instruments are correct (another FS "feature").

>I was in slew mode throughout the session, did not wish to disengage slew in case of losing Obs mode. ?

Observer mode is a slew mode, so there's no danger of disabling it (you can't).

>Scenery - I assume it is what my aircraft depicts and not what the pilots aircraft "sees" ?

You'll only see the scenery installed on your system. I fly with some very detailed KSBP scenery (more FlightAdventures stuff), but you wouldn't see that because you don't have it installed on your system.

>Scenery was "jerky" at certain phases.. ie banking.. Could not bring the frame counter up. To do with game Latency ?

If you've got John Mooney's PRP repairs done already, then what you're seeing is latency in the game (not the server).

>On downwind leg when abeam of the tower I THINK the term used was "Call the Numbers ? " If correct what does the term refer to ?.

The term is "abeam the numbers." It means being directly abeam the approach end runway numbers. This is just a position report used in airport traffic pattern ops.

>Cannot find any instruction on this but can the circuit be "enlarged" ie lengthen the downwind leg (especially in wind conditions) to give more time on final to calculate leeway and adjust for same. Or is the circuit strictly calculated and controlled for those conditions.. I personally line up 20 miles out in CALM conditions

The size of the pattern was designed to afford the aircraft the ability to land on the runway if the engine is lost. In the single we were flying, this is no more than 1/2 mile. Larger aircraft will fly at 1500 AGL and slightly wider, but usually no more than 4 miles out at an airport the size of KSBP (which is class D airspace). If you require a lot more than that, you might try slowing down a bit more (or stop flying that poor excuse for a LearJet flight model!). :)

>Just prior to and during threshold a "ghost" appears from behind the Instr. panel, for all the world like the "horns" of a flight yoke ?.

That's actually a bug in the program, but it seems to be worse when the host and observer are "flying" different aircraft.

>Finally I shall consider I have arrived when I can "hover" the 182S some 10 feet over the threshold... Eh Ben!

LOL! Well, that was pretty unrealistic. FS tends to skimp a bit when you start stretching the envelope. :)

I was flying with something like a 55 knot crosswind. Under those kinds of conditions in real life I'd stay on the ground or fly something heavier. :)

Hope this helps!