Groton-New London to Martha's Vineyard
Cessna Skyhawk C172SP
Departure: Groton-New London(KGON)
Elev: 10
ATIS: 127.000 MHz
Clearance Delivery: 119.850
CTAF/Tower: 125.600
Departure: 125.750
Rwy 1/19 3,000 ft
Rwy 5/23 5,000 ft ILS/DME IGON 111.300 049°
Rwy 15/33 3,998 ft
optional departure VOR/DME GROTON (TMU 110.85)
129° for 23 nm to VOR/DME Sandy Point (SEY 117.80)
092° for 41 nm from Sandy Point to int Bedow
051° for 5 nm to KMVY
Total: 69 nm
Optional approach VOR/DME Martha's vinyard (MVY 114.50)
NOTE: DME is approx 0.6 past rwy 5 threshold on leftDestination: Martha's Vineyard(KMVY)
Elev: 68
ATIS: 126.250
UNICOM: 122.950
CTAF/Tower: 121.400
Approach: 124.700
Rwy 6/24 5,490 ft ILS/DME IMVY 108.70 236°
Rwy 15/33 3,295 ft
RobertNear KORF