OK, I've (finally) heard back from the mechanic on the prepurchase inspection. Overall, the airplane is in very good shape. Mechanically, it looks to be in good order- compressions good, nothing about to fall off, etc. There were a couple of minor squawks, but overall no problems. And the mechanic's scorecard has the airplane rated a 9-9.5 outside, and slightly less inside (mainly because it's a little dirty in there). The mechanic would not hesitate to sign the airplane off as good-to-go for a condition inspection.The airplane was also test-flown. The pilot liked what he saw there, too. It flew hands-off-straight. He also wrung it out through a sequence, and found no bad habits. His only complaint was that the ailerons felt a little heavy, but probably no more so that any other S-1S (he is used to an S-1T, with its symmetrical ailerons).
So, I am going out to have a look for myself on Friday. I will go over the logbooks, get an educated walk-and-talk around the airplane with the mechanic, and taxi it around for a while.
I am pretty much all set to go ahead and buy the airplane, assuming nothing turns me off when I see it. I have sought advice from many corners, including certain Jedi-Master-types, to see if I've missed anything important. The aforementioned master had a concern that I should be getting into a more "normal" S, rather than this hot-rodded airplane. Any opinions in this regard would be very gratefully appreciated!
Tom P.