____________________I was concerned about IE 6, but I haven't worked up the courage to try it yet. I have read some articles that indicate that plug-in style addons like the Java applet and Script interpreters won't work with IE 6. I gather IE 6 insists on ActiveX controls. I don't know if Microsoft or anyone else is planning to release Java applet or Java Script interpreters that can be used as ActiveX controls. Those reports are a significant portion of what is makeing me reluctant to upgrade to IE 6.
Please check to see if there are new Java interpreters written to work specificaly with IE6. Having IE 6 on your system may lead to the Windows Update page showing addons like Java Virtual Machine support. Since I am not aware of Netscape Navigator haveing Visual BASIC script capabilities, this may lead to a need to have alternate code in the pages or an alternate set of pages for IE.
These problems may be connected with Microsoft's legal conflicts connected with their nonstandard implementation of Java.