We've added an instant messaging system dubbed "ACARS." In the airline industry ACARS stands for Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. Basically what that fancy name is for is a very basic email system that works on airplanes.
The operation of FlightAdventures ACARS very intuitive, however, if you want to keep people from impersonating you, you should register all versions of your name. (Just keep clicking on Join and register every name you have.) For example I registered:
Ben Chiu
Well, you get the idea. We currently don't have a master admin panel for this app, but we'll be working on it as we move along. In the mean time, try ACARS out and let us know if there are any problems with it.
I suspect ACARS should replace the Lobby option on the message board (the lobby was meant for the flight rooms), but would like to hear what everyone thinks.