Greetings Frank:> I'm trying something I should have thought of before. I have minimized
> the ACARS and although I have heard one click so far this message has
> not frozen.
Interesting. Still doesn't explain why it steals focus when it's restored. Something isn't right there. I have ACARS open/restored state most of the time and have never experienced it stealing focus.
> I'm a very slow 'pick and peck' typist and I just heard another
> click and there was no interruption. The solution to what was probably a
> non-problem is as easy as that.
Rgr. Will store the "solution" away for future reference.
> As a self taught computer user I've no doubt been missing something that
> is basic knowledge to most people.
> Sorry to have taken so much message space on this, and thank you for
> your help.
Only too happy to help. This Forum is all about solutions, so as long as we have a solution in the end, there's no wasted space.
> I've been deliberately longwinded in this reply to give it a
> good test. Lost count of the clicks, but all's well.
Very good! Thanks, Frank!
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