Greetings Andrew:> I guess HI bi-d with omni-d component is brighter when viewed down the
> length of the runway than any other direction?
Yes, but keep in mind that other runway lighting, unless omni, can't be seen/are very hard to see from all directions.
> How about the threshold lighting. What would you expect to see for HI
> green W bars (this end also has PAPIs with an NDB approach available).
There's usually a line of HI greens at the threshold with white lights in a staggered bar configuration leading up to the threshold. However, the configuration of the number of bars comprised of these white lights vary. You might try looking up SSALR, MALSR, and MALSF to see some standard configurations for approach lighting configurations.
PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) are the four lights that indicate approach angle on the left side of the runway.
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