Hi Guido,Wow! So many questions. I'll do my best to answer them but for anyone who wants to know what RC can do in detail the best place to start is the RC web site www.jdtllc.com/
Having had this program on my system for the last 10 months I can honestly say I would not want to fly without it. Now that it is a stand-alone program as opposed to an adventure it is far more versatile and beats the default FS ATC into a cocked hat. It is written in Visual Basic but this does not cause any particular problems compared to C or C+. My biggest bugbear of RC v2 was the very awkward system of key controls. RC3 transforms this and even though it still relies on key presses the responses are instantaneous.
I've recorded my own voice as an additional controller and together with another UK contribution this gives a nice alternative when flying in European/UK skies. I've also recorded real-world ATC at Manchester and you can hear these being played when you fly into or out of EGCC. No other program I know of will give you this degree of versatility.
<<Does RCv3 now handle short distances better? >>
I fly the EGCC-EGLL route regularly in a 767 and RC handles it really well. It also handles 12 hour flights equally well. Comms can be handed over to RC so you don't have to acknowledge every transmission yourself. RC will also control default FS aircraft but cannot control specialist aircraft such as the 767PIC. Then again, what can?
<<It seems also a bit complicated to position the aircraft at the terminal as the adventuring system used in RCv2 and
earlier underwent some changes, and if I understand
correctly, is going to by phased out in one of the next
versions of flightsimulator.>>
Correct. The way RC3 works you need to start at the gate but if you want total realism you would do that anyway. RC will not move the aircraft for you.
<<Does it integrate with the standard AI airplanes or do I
still have nothing flying around me? Am I able to listen to
any ATIS on the way? >>
It is aware of Ai aircraft on the ground and in the air but cannot control them. Blame MS for not issuing an SDK. If another Ai aircraft is on finals and you request take-off you will be told to hold short. Similarly, when on finals if another aircraft moves onto the active you will be issued with a go-round. You can listen to default ATC and RC simultaneously if you want.
<<Is it possible to integrate real weather, so update from
time to time and have the runways etc. calculated depending
on it? >>
Yes. RC is compatible with FSMeteo and ActiveSky. It gives you complete control on departure and arrival runways based on the prevailing wind.
<<I can also imagine, that having a seperate application
instead of precompiled adventure allows to have dynamically
changes in the flightplan, maybe redirections to another
airport? >>
Yes. When you compile a RC flight you can include an alternative airport. You can also declare an emergency at any time during the flight and RC will vector you to either the departure airport or a suitable alternative.
<<Is there a seperate database like with FSNav that has to be scanning the installed scenery? >>
It comes with a set of files that include all frequencies for FS airports and other relevant data. There is no scanning of FS files like FSNav. All files are either in EXcel format or plain text files so you can edit them yourself if you need to.
<<What else has been vastly improved since RCv2? >>
This would take me ages to list. You can see the differences at a glance here... www.jdtllc.com/getting_started.htm#RC%20Comparison
<<What problems did you detect? >>
Several during beta-testing but nothing of any significance once released last December. John Decker continues to improve RC3 and we're still receiving enhancements to test. It is a very stable quality product. I have no hesitation in recommending it.
<<What are the highlights? >>
For me personally it's the ability to record and integrate real-world ATC. I can't tell you how much this enhances the realism. To hear EGCC controllers as I taxi around Manchester makes it unbeatable for me. It also handles routing and vectoring very well - much better than RC2 in my opinion.
<<How do you compare RCv3 to competitors, maybe ProFlight
(don't know if there still is a new version of this around)? >>
I only used ProFlight98 which was very good but its limitation was that it was an adventure. RC3 being a separate executable is much more flexible. To be honest I don't think RC3 has ANY competitors. No other program comes even close to what this achieves.
<<Do you expect any upgrades regarding FS2004? >>
Pete Dowson is adapting FSUIPC to work with FS2004 and there should be no reason why RC3 won't work once Pete has finished. The ATC in FS2004 will be improved but I still believe RC3 will be my first choice. I'd be surprised if any update for FS2004 was charged for but John Decker has the final decision on that.
<<Can we expect RC to be still be ahead of an upcoming FS2004 with improved ATC? Is it still worth the money?>>
The gap will be less wide and really this will be a subjective deciision. RC3 can still do things that FS2004 won't be able to. Like recording your own voice set, integrating recorded ATC for specific airports being two examples.
Bear in mind that one of the co-developers is a Air Traffic Controller at Memphis so the procedures used in RC3 are 100% realistic. However, the program interface is flexible enough to allow for European differences such as different Transition Levels.
I hope this gives you a good idea as to how highly I rate RC3 - probably one of the best addons currently available for FS.
Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England