Hi Paul..> Ah the ignorance of some ...<
True. I'm delighted that Bob Sidwick didn't include 'Games' in his event title....maybe he knew that would turn us 'virtual flyers' off the event <g>
But I'm biased, of course. 'We' do not play games.
I suppose, though, that commercially, computer 'games' is (are ?) what bring(s) in the cash...judging by the show stands over the last few years. There is probably no comparison between the numbers that just 'fly' and those that make up the gaming community.
Sorry you could not make it this year.
I try to find at least one compelling item to head for each year. This year it was the Getmapping/Just Flight stand, with their VFR scenery for the UK. As a result I'm flying over some excellent VFR scenery, and have placed my order for the remaining three releases. Now to get to grips with GMax and start compiling....
Forgot to update my UK charts, though
There's such a lot to do !
Bill C
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