> Hello everbody I'm the new kid on the block here, just starting my
> flight training and join this site. Just wanted to say hello. I'm a bit
> older then your averge student, (44)Welcome to the forum! And to the special world of those who fly airplanes. You'll never regret your decision to leave the ground. I soloed at age 66 and am now taking instructions in flying Ultralights (69) so your age should be no barrier to your final goal. Folks who study these things say we 'more mature' folks *understand* flying better and faster but it does sometimes take longer for us to translate that knowledge into physical movement and muscle memory. You'll probably hit some points that are more problematic than others but, don't give up. It'll all work eventually.
> and I'm doing this the hard way,
> can only fly once a week but guess once is better then none huh LOL.
That is correct. That is the way I am learning the Ultralight bit (my BFI has a 'day job' and instructs only on Saturdays) - and I tend to get withdrawal symptoms about Wednesday or Thursday
> a freelance photographer, shooting high school & college sports
We look forward to some of your airial shots being posted here!
> but I
> will succeed!!!.... I hope (-:
You certainly will. And if there is anything any of us can help you with, please feel free to ask. We'd also be most interested in your progress if you can find time to just fill us in on how your are doing and what successes or roadblocks you are experiencing. I had the darndest time learning to land the Cessna 150 I was training in and got the most valuable help over the internet. The advice I got there far surpassed any that my instructor at the time was able to give. And I chalked up three perfect landings the next time I flew. So help is available for anything that may cause you a bit of 'heart burn'
Welcome again and we look forward to many interesting posts from you....
***Reality - The refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)
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