Hi Ray> Blimey, don't see you round here much but it's nice to see you back
Oh, I'm around but, like you, tend only to stick my oar in when I feel I can contribute.
> What I've found happens is that if I pick a non 4:3 resolution (1360*768
> for example) some of the gauges remain round (such as the ASI) but
> others like the EHSI are severely distorted. I'm speaking here about the
> 767PIC panel. This is probably down to the way they have been designed.
Yes, I can understand some variability if the panel was designed for a specific 3:4 ratio but the generalism still holds. With my old PC and CRT, when flying one of the MS planes I used to use with FS2k (the King Air I think) I'd deliberately switch back to 1024x768 rather than my native 1152x864 because the numbers were soooo much sharper.
> The difference between 1280*1024 and 1280*960 is pretty small anyway so
> it was never going to be that obvious but I'm convinced, having flown
> for a few hours now, that the small text is slightly more readable than
> it was before at 1280*1024.
With a CRT with its inherent 3:4 ratio I'd always stick with a 3:4 resolution such as 1280x960. I rather think 1280x1024 is deliberately engineered for the TFT type screens with their different ratio, viz.: my TFT screen size is 290mm x 360 mm and I'm sure it's no coincidence that 1024/1280 = 290/360 = 0.8, (a ratio of 4:5).
> BTW, don't you auto-hide the taskbar when
> running FS? I always switch that option on and it gives me a useful
> increase in screen area.
Sometimes I do, sometimes not. Depends what else I'm doing. When I'm working I'll often start a long distance flight then, once established in the cruise, carry on with my work, for which I find the task bar near essential. When I need a break I'll then switch back to FS with the panel off and use the passing scenery as a sort of screen saver. T'other day I was on the way back from Singapore and had planned a slight diversion over the Himalayas, with eta at Everest close to sunset. Sure enough, when I arrived there (at coffee break time <g>) I just sat and stared in awe at the spectacle. FS Meteo was providing a wonderful set of clouds and, looking out of the left hand window, the detail picked out by the sun's low elevation gave a stunning view. One of the few times I hit alt+enter and just wallowed in the tremendous advances FS and hardware have made in the very recent past. Took me slightly longer than normal to finish my coffee break
Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)
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