Hi James..Well, I've tried a few tricks to ged rid of these collisions, but nothing appears to make any difference. This is what I've tried:
Two new Cat 5 cables - no change.
Removed the cards from Device Manager. Then re-installed. No change.
Adjusted both cards in Device Manager from Auto Mode/100 half/100 Full. No change.
Changed the two RJ45's to Port 3 and 4 on the hub. LED still illuminated lots.
Tried the same, transferring files between my Laptop (also with WinXP) and this main PC.
Exactly the same results (eh ?)
I suppose the only common denominator is the hub.....
I might try to borrow a spare, see if that makes any difference.
So it looks as if I'm stuck with these collisions. Don't appear to get any corrupted files, though. (Fingers Crossed)
I did take a peek at a few sites - from which I have learned something <g>
Swapping to a switch would prevent them occurring, I gather. Interesting. This is the first time that I have gone into this problem, so I've learned a lot.
I may have access to a switch in the near future, so I'll try that.
On the subject of hardware, I have recently upgraded to two SDM-M81 TFT LCD monitors, using one of them with a DVI cable to a GeForce Ti4600. What a difference. I was a little wary, having read of smearing with fast graphics with some LCD/TFT displays, but no - the images are perfect. The downside is the fixed resolution limit - not being able to advance up to 1600 x 1200 (unless I wish to view a part image). A small price to pay.
I've also gained a considerable amount of desk space <g>
Formby, UK
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