Here's a very sad note we received from Jeff Drake.
=================================To All,
I had some trouble posting this on the message board. If some one would
please post this it would be much appreciated.
Last week, the airshow world lost a great performer.
Kirk Fulton was tragically killed in an automobile accident south of his
hometown of Lubbock, TX. News of the accident travelled quickly between the
local pilots.
I have known Kirk since I was a little boy, and he was always a very close
friend of the family. His death is a great loss not only to the world of
aerobatics, but to the world in general. He was always one that could bring
a smile to almost anyone's face--sometimes just by simple expressions.
My brother, who was frantically calling everyone that he knew, spoke with
Kirk's mother. Who said, " everyone should know why I was always more
worried about his cars than his planes."
Kirk was a wonderful person who brought joy to the lives of many, including
mine and my family, and he will be sorely missed.
Jeff Drake
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