Greetings Chip:I've always wondered about how weight and balance information is computed by the manufacturer and subsequently adjusted in the field and thought you may be able to shed some light on the subject.
When an aircraft is manufactured, I assume the manufacturer actually weighs each aircraft and uses some standard arms and weights for the installed equipment to come up with a w&b sheet. Is this correct? They don't actually balance the airplane to find the CG do they?
When an airplane is field modified (new avionics, etc.) and an updated w&b sheet is signed off, does the installer actually weigh stuff and measure arms to come up with a new calculation or do they use standard numbers or do the really weigh the airplane and find the actual CG?
Related to the subject, say a piece of equipment is removed from the aircraft to be repaired. When, if ever, should a new w&b certificate be issued in these cases?
Thanks for any insights.
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