Greetings Andy:nVidia 50 series drivers were released yesterday. From their press release:
"The ForceWare release 50 graphics drivers include the NVIDIA unified compiler technology that translates shader programs so that they are optimized for the NVIDIA GPU architecture, substantially improving the performance of next-generation DirectX 9.0 titles such as HalfLife? 2, XIII, and more. Performance in the DirectX 9.0 application HaloPC? improves by up to 58% and DirectX 9.0-based Microsoft Flight Simulator? 9 improves by 33% ."
From what I've been reading, the FX series cards only do DX9.x T&L at 16 bit and 32 bit levels, so when it runs across games that run only T&L at 24 bits the card chokes. I'm not what FS runs at, but it looks like they made an improvement.
-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
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