Hi Vic:Glad you got it figured out.
I've used the Garmin GNS-430 and 530, but have never seen a 500 before (one that's modeled in FSCOF). However, your question brings up some interesting points.
1. Both the 430 and 530 are IFR certified.
2. WAAS was just enabled at some 6 airports on July 10. I can only recall Oklahoma City (FAA HQ), Oshkosh, and the Kittyhawk NC (Wright Bros famous flight location airport).
3. LNAV and VNAV charts should start appearing very quickly.
I haven't had time to check it out myself yet, but I suspect that the 500 (regardless if it exists in the real world) looks to be an IFR GPS, but does it support WAAS and/or LAAS approaches?
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