Hi James,> If I'm right <LOL> then BST 20:00 is 19:00 UTC/Zulu
If BST means "British Summer Time", that is your current
time, I assume that is true.
Unfortunately I have just done the flight and entered the
chatroom this evening to find that nobody was in there.
After waiting some time, I eventually detected, that
somebody has cancelled the event in the special announcement
window just this morning. However, I ignore the announcement
window most of the time.
May I suggest that you add an additional posting in the
message area when this occurs again? Thanks.
Anyway, here is my flight report:
I went from Munich to Ferihegy in a Tradewind Domestic
Mailservice Cessna Caravan with takeoff around 17:40h local
time from runway 26R and landed at Budapest around 2 hours
later. Sun was still shining at takeoff time when I headed
for 18,000 ft cruise altitude at 130 KIAS, but on ILS
landing at runway 31R it was already dark night, it had a
little bit of light rain and the airport didn't pop up
through the clouds until getting very close.
The machines (both the 'puter and the airplane <g>) were
running very smoothly even on this old P-II-450 thanks to
the additional 256 MB RAM now inside.
RadarContact did its ATC job very well too, I had some
traffic on the way and one crossing restriction. And they
didn't claim back my virtual flying license although I had
to ask them to repeat some of the controlling instructions
and at least once shortly deviated from the flightpath <bg>.
Best regards,
-OLR.PL v1.81-