A couple weeks ago, www.flightsim.com had an announcement that Abacus had published a new package that can be used to point out "easter eggs" from a database. The deal was, "add to the data-base, especially in the following areas, and you can receive a copy of the software." Needless to say, I ended up contributing and getting a free copy.When using this package, EZ-Landmark, in conjunction with Konstantin Kukushkin's other package, EZ-VFR, there is a small problem. The font-sizes are changeable, but the font colour remains the same red that is used by FS in the windows titles/slew coords./etc. Needless to say, in some areas, this results in a lot of overlap between a lot of airports, and the easter eggs.
My question was, especially for those who beta-tested FS, and who might well have better contacts than the rest of us, "is there a way to change this so that one program can use one colour, another uses a 2nd, etc."
As always, any help would be appreciated.
"TD - Virtual FAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!