Hi JasonThanks for the kind words and congratulations on getting such a sweet ride! You'll love the Texan II.
As you know, the Texan II is built to be a primary trainer and as a transition airplane to jets, therefore it feels like a jet. With the TAD (Trim Aid Device) you'll find that it trims the airplane to half a ball in trim at any time, but still there is some torque to deal with.
Going into a loop, I find it is best to add a bit of right rudder to keep the winds perpendicular to the horizon and counteract what torque there is. And, of course, keeping the ailerons centered is important. I think you can do it with one hand on the stick and one hand on the PCL, but the airplane's controls are rather heavy so you might want to use two hands. It's personal preference. I like to Keep one hand on the PCL for looping maneuvers.
I presume you're using a bit of right aileron in the pull? Maybe when you use the right rudder it will counteract this feeling and it will make it easier to counteract any tendency to add aileron.
Best of luck and let us know how it goes and how you like the airplane.
I hope to fly the CNE (Toronto) airshow again one of these days. Performers love Canadian airshows, they really take care of you.