Greetings Robert:> Just let us know when you need volunteers for the beta test!
We've made a couple of last minute changes, but you're welcome to try out Flight 15 at any time. It should work properly, but of course let us know if you encounter any problems. Please note that this new version of Fly Now! is an ActiveX control, so it'll take a couple of minutes to download the first time you launch it and anytime we update the application. Also note that if any warning boxes appear, you need to click Yes.
A new feature we added to this new version is Fly Now! will now automatically shut down when you exit the Flight.
Just for everyone's information, we're currently working on the next generation of ACARS, but once that's up and running, we'll come back to the Flight Terminal and eliminate all of the refreshing that goes on and simplify the process some more. But one step at a time...
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