Certificates/Ratings/Crew Stations:
"Apr 24 0200z Multiplayer Plan"
04-23-05, 23:43z
Johnson Petersburg to Juneau Itnl. Cessna C208 Caravan Amphibian | Waypt. | Name | Type | Frequency | Altitude | Heading | Distance | Est Gnd Speed | ETE (hh:mm) | PAPG | Johnson Petersburg | Apt | 000.00 | 22 | | | | | LVD | Level Island | VOR/DME | 116.50 | | 309 From | 119 DME | Radio at | Fix SSR21 | SSR21 | | Int | | 4,000 | 302 | 103 | 140 | 00:44 | | CGL | Coghlan Island | NDB | 212.00 | 1,000 | 307 | 6 | 120 | 00:03 | MND | Mendenhall | NDB | 332.00 | 600 | 071 | 2 | 95 | 00:01 | PAJN | Juneau Intl | Apt | 000.00 | 19 | 052 | 3 | 70 | 00:03 | | | Totals: | | | | | | 114 | | 00:51 | | Departure airport information: | PAPG | Johnson Petersburg | St/Co: AK | MULTICOMM: 122.500 | CTAF: 122.500 | Lat: 56° 48.10' N | Lon: 132° 56.72' W | Elevation: 107 | AWOS: 125.800 | 4/22 | 5,990 ft | | | | 22(IPSG) | LOC/DME* | 110.50 | NEW/SWW | 9,000 ft | | | | | | | | Destination airport information: | PAJN | Juneau Itnl. | St/Co: VA | UNICOMM: 122.950 | CTAF: 118.700 & 120.700 | Lat: 58° 21.30' N | Lon: 134° 34.58' W | Elevation: 19 | ATIS: 135.200 | 8/26 | 8,435 ft | 8(IJDL) | LOC | 109.900 | | | | 8W/26W | 4,900 ft | | | | | | | - IPSG is an offset localizer at PAPG on a 157 heading.
- <>Departure water runways are at Lloyd R. Roundtree Seaplane Facility (63A) NW of and adjacent to PAPG (same MULTICOMM freq.). Note that planes using localizer IPSG cross the 63A runway centerline.
- Level Island outbound 309 radial is located SW of PAPG to SSR21 leg. Provided as reference if not yet in range of Coghlan Island NDB (CGL). Leg should meet radial at SSR21 at indicated distance (119 nm)
- Destination water runway resembles a canal South of and adjacent to runway 8/26
- Offset localizer IJDL on heading 062 located at Mendenhall (MND) NDB.
- Might need to swing wide at Coghlan Island to get down to the required altitude
RobertNear KORF