Greetings!The shortest time from D17 to 9CO9 was 14 minutes 37 seconds.
Some tips to try next time are:
1. Reduce weight of the aircraft by removing the passenger and reducing fuel. Due to the short distance of the flight, I started with 9 gals of fuel.
2. Stand on the brakes, apply full power, then adjust mixture for best power. When full power is achieved, release brakes for take off.
3. Use short and soft field take off technique to reduce ground roll (e.g. drag from non-hard surface runway)
4. Turn directly on course after wheels up.
5. Climb at Vy
6. Only climb as high as necessary to cross obstacles.
7. Try to fly as close to direct path as obstacles will allow.
8. The winds aloft @ 6,500' were 270@20. The fastest time was achieved taking a NW route. Flying into the wind helped the climb and the quartering tailwind helped cruise and descent ground speeds. Because the most amount of time is spent in cruise and descent, higher ground speeds are desirable during these flight sections.
9. Land with full flaps and brakes engaged. Yes, this isn't realistic, but it does produce the shortest time to a full stop.
Hope everyone had fun!
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