> Sorry I missed the flight. A relative was having some computer problems
> and I speent Saturday evening getting two of their computers back in
> service (corrupted files). I got them to test a couple of DVDs I had
> made in their DVD player while I was at it.Ah, computer orphans.
I know the situation well.
We missed you.
> How was the turn out and were there any interesting events?
I took off in the Cub and found myself grinding away into a 25knot headwind. My ground speed was ranged from 49 to 66 KIAS (in a descent). By the end of the hour, I only made it to Santa Maria. At that point, rather than land at SMX, I switched to the 182 and joined the guys at SBP. The flight was kind of bumpy due to the wind and there were some clouds at about 3-4k, so flying low and slow was an interesting change of pace.
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