Greetings again, fellowman2003:You're missing a couple of things:
1. Which "Runway/Starting position" are you selecting from the Go To Airport box? If you've already got Cleveland-Hopkins Intl selected in your Create A Flight selection, it defaults to the Active Runway--which in this case is 6R.
Regardless of which direction you want to fly (west in this case), you will be given 6R for takeoff. Since you're starting on 6R, you won't see any progressive taxi lines.
2. What does ground control tell you after you press 7 for west departure? If they tell you to taxi to 6R, you won't see any progressive taxi lines because you're already at 6R.
I'm sorry if it wasn't clear in my last message, but an airport has assigns an ACTIVE runway(s) based on conditions. It has nothing to do with which direction you want to depart the airport--although in real life you can request a specific runway if you like. You may or may not get it, but you can always request it.
So in the scenario you're outlining, the active runway is 6R. Even if you request to depart to the west, the active runway is 6R, so you'll be told to taxi and takeoff from 6R. Does this make sense?
If you want to take off from 24, add some wind (8 knots will do) from 240 degrees, and start your flight from on of the Parking areas or Gates (do this is the Runway/Starting position box).
Hope this helps.
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